Humint Events Online: Demolition Misdirection

Monday, May 07, 2007

Demolition Misdirection

I agree with this:
The sequence of photographs taken during the demolition of a building in Sao Paulo show very clearly the famous "squibs" firing out of upper floors at the beginning of the operation, similar to those seen at the WTC.

There is no doubt that conventional demolition charges were used in the Twin Towers. Why do this if the towers are going to be destroyed by nuclear devices? The pre-positioned conventional charges could not possibly have any controlling effect on the power of the nuclear blast.

The reason - Layers of Deep Black Cover. They know that anyone looking at it afterwards with any intelligence will see the towers were blown up with enormous force. But they do not want anyone to suspect it was a nuclear device. So cover it up with evidence of a conventional controlled demolition. This diverts attention away from the fact that they were not simply imploded but volcanically exploded, from the top down.

The military use different levels of secrecy and cover stories to mount "Black Ops". One set of operatives are given one reason for what they are doing. Another team, with no mutual knowledge of the other teams, is given a different set of tasks with a different cover story and so on. Everything is compartmentalised on a "need to know" basis so nobody has the complete picture except a few pulling the strings at the top.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

great link, how'd you find it? the author takes Finnish expert's observations to much deeper depths...i think Finnish expert wrote that actual bombs were used, this person believes nuclear core meltdowns occurred, many meters below the basements of the towers...

5:20 AM  
Anonymous said...

Oh my god, there's so much worthwhile information here!

5:34 AM  

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