Humint Events Online: How Trump Controls GOP Senators

Saturday, May 16, 2020

How Trump Controls GOP Senators

Thread from Uncle Blazer:

Imagine yourself as a GOP Senator with skeletons in your closet. Maybe you’ve taken bribes or accepted illegal campaign contributions. Maybe you’re cheating on your wife, or you’re a closeted homosexual. In short, you’re compromised.  
Along comes a candidate for POTUS with deep ties to the Russian mafia state who knows how to extort compromised people. And he’s going to control the DOJ/FBI (with an assist from Russia) and learn all your secrets. And even if you don’t have secrets, he may be able to frame you.  
Even if you’re totally clean and you’re not afraid of mob POTUS trying to frame you, what about your family members? Are they all clean too? Because you can bet your ass mob POTUS is going to find out if they aren’t.  
You have two choices. You can speak out against the candidate and hope he’s defeated or you can pledge loyalty. Maybe you can even do both: speak out at first and, if that doesn’t work, pledge loyalty after he wins. (Looking at you, Lindsay.)  
Once mob POTUS takes office, you have more choices to make. Maybe you can just resign and slink away. But maybe mob POTUS won’t allow that. Maybe he’ll use his leverage to force you to stay in office and do his bidding. In addition to using “the stick” on you (i.e., blackmailing and extorting you), mob POTUS can also use “the carrot” on you (i.e., bribes and favors).  
Remember, you’re probably a criminal in this scenario, so you’re cool with bribes and favors. Unless you and your family are clean as a whistle, you’re screwed. And, let’s face it, if you were clean as a whistle you wouldn’t be a GOP Senator. Being dirty is part of the job description. So you may as well go all in and take the carrots rather than fearing the stick.  
And once you’ve taken even one bite of one carrot, you’re fully owned by POTUS. Your bite of the carrot is the ultimate kompromat. There’s no way out now without taking yourself down.  
Once you’re owned by mob POTUS, you’d be smart to start gathering your own kompromat on mob POTUS as an insurance policy. Mutually assured destruction. Now mob POTUS can’t take you down and you can’t take him down either. You’re in the same lifeboat.  
That’s the world we live in now. The GOP is compromised and Trump controls them. Anyone who steps out of line ends up with his “head on a pike.”
Burr stepped out of line as Chair of Senate Intelligence, and he was dealt with accordingly.

And more general GOP perfidy here.


Blogger the mighty wak said...

"russian mafia state" do you even listen to yourself? no such thing as the jewish israeli mafia that actually does have the US political parties by the balls, right?

7:40 PM  
Blogger Fission micro-nukes = "Nuke Cancer" from 9/11 said...

Katie Johnson: If a Governor can be charged, indicted, & taken away in custody, so too can a President.

12:24 AM  

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