Sunday, February 18, 2024

UFO Discussions and the Ultimate Truth

There are countless credible and well-researched stories of UFOs with close encounters involving alien beings going back decades. There's also extensive evidence of the US government covering up these stories and also planting disinformation about these events. Also, modern astronomy has clearly shown there are trillions of habitable planets in the universe going back billions of years, and the odds are essentially 100% that life has developed in other planets and that very old and very advanced forms of civilizations currently exist on other planets-- quite possibly dozens just in our own galaxy. 

Thus, the simplest explanation for "UFOs" is that there are in fact multiple types of advanced extraterrestrials who have been visiting this planet using extremely advanced technology and physics beyond our understanding, and for their own reasons, do not want their presence widely known. 

Yet 99% of the discussions around UFOs completely ignore this obvious conclusion and spends unbelievably amounts of time pushing other explanations and all kinds of vague nonsense (e.g. it's secret US govt craft, or it's time travelers, or it's hoaxes, or it's some sort of inter-dimensional travel, or it's some sort of paranormal consciousness projection).

Gee, I wonder why???

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