What a treasonous asshole
"Tonight Trump blamed America for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, war crimes there, and nuclear threats; said there’s no free press or free speech in America; and said Democrats want Iran to have nukes. And all this deceit and anti-American rhetoric was preloaded onto a teleprompter. We’re well past the point at which we could say Trump doesn’t know anything about America or our politics and tells tens of thousands of lies simply to hide his ignorance and advance his career.
His scheme to undermine America and spread Kremlin lies is premeditated and sinister. If you want to know how the Kremlin sees America—lies about our crime rates, freedoms, leaders, and foreign policy—all you have to do is go to any Trump rally.
In 2016, Putin’s friends and allies co-wrote Trump’s speeches (Google it). I wonder if this is happening again in 2022.
You will never hear more hatred of America than at a 2022 Trump rally. And much of it is orchestrated—literally. Violins play over the loudspeaker as a man who has betrayed his country over and over and over again does so to a script whose author we do not know and really should. I’m serious.
Watch the video below (see link), understanding that *every word of it* synchronizes with Kremlin propaganda about how weak, divided, rudderless, hypocritical, dangerous, broke, and morally lost America is. Putin could have delivered these lies—and has.
In 2016, Donald Trump’s early foreign policy speeches—as reflective of the Kremlin’s viewpoints as any speeches ever given by an American politician—were co-written and co-edited by Kremlin agents and/or associates and/or allies Manafort, Simes, Burt, Kushner, and Papadopoulos.
Now we learn that Trump wants the most pro-Putin elected official in the U.S., Marjorie Taylor Greene, as his 2024 VP. And tonight he’s in Texas attacking America ruthlessly—with literally scores of lies about people, data, events and trends—using words the Kremlin would applaud.
I don’t *know* why Trump wants to destroy America. I only know that he has done everything he possibly can to undermine and weaken this country and our national security since he entered politics in 2015, having spent the preceding 30 years trying to cut business deals in Russia."