Humint Events Online: September 2023

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The JFK Ass'n Magic Bullet Theory Finally Bites the Dust for Good

 From JFKJ ass'n researcher David Talbot:

"The Confessions of a Secret Service Agent. (no paywall link here)
Former agent Paul Landis -- as he approaches 90 -- is apparently a low-key guy. But what he writes in his new book about the Kennedy assassination will change history forever. 
Landis, who rode on the rear bumper of the Secret Service car that followed JFK's limousine in Dallas with his partner Clint Hill, finally gives evidence that demolishes the magic bullet story as the fairytale it has always been. 
Landis's account of that fateful day also casts grave doubt on the lone gunman theory -- the twin fable that underpins the official Warren Report. 
For nearly 60 years, the New York Times -- the mainstream media's gold standard -- has clung to the increasingly tattered Warren Report. Now even the Times has finally begun to question the official story.
This should open the reporting floodgates: since there were clearly at least two shooters that day, who were they? Who did they work for? By pursuing the mystery that continues to haunt America, the New York Times and the rest of the press can begin to win back its credibility. 
Now that the official version of the Kennedy assassination has been debunked, other more tantalizin'g stories beckon. As the Bible (and Allen Dulles) said, "You shall know the truth, and it shall set you free."
Talbot's book "The Devil Chessboard" cracked open a major part of the assassination story and he makes a good case for it being a CIA hit job run by director Allen Dulles.

Also it's worth reading this piece published here from 2007 -- 

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, The Last True President Of The United States
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Monday, September 11, 2023

22 Years On, Still No Justice for the 9/11 Perpetraitors

we can only imagine at this point, they have gotten away with it... all the lives, all the theft of our nation's wealth... no justice 

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