Black Budget Military Project Patches

Dedicated to fighting authoritarianism, bigotry, greed, corruption, climate change denial, white supremacy, racism, stupidity and general evil, as well as the exploration of interesting ideas and conspiracy theories including 9/11, UFOs, ET's, the paranormal and the general unknown.
Officials "shouldn't need a warrant when somebody with a phone in Iraq picks up a phone and calls somebody in the United States because that's the call that we may really want to know about. And before 9/11, that's the call that we didn't know about. We knew that there has been a call from someplace that was known to be a safe house in Afghanistan and we knew that it came to the United States. We didn't know precisely where it went." (snip)
These are multiple falsehoods here, and independently, this whole claim makes no sense. There is also a pretty startling new revelation here about the Bush administration's pre-9/11 failure that requires a good amount of attention.
Even under the "old" FISA, no warrants are required where the targeted person is outside the U.S. (Afghanistan) and calls into the U.S. Thus, if it's really true, as Mukasey now claims, that the Bush administration knew about a Terrorist in an Afghan safe house making Terrorist-planning calls into the U.S., then they could have -- and should have -- eavesdropped on that call and didn't need a warrant to do so. So why didn't they? Mukasey's new claim that FISA's warrant requirements prevented discovery of the 9/11 attacks and caused the deaths of 3,000 Americans is disgusting and reckless, because it's all based on the lie that FISA required a warrant for targeting the "Afghan safe house." It just didn't.
The great significance of this story -- that Mukasey either completely fabricated a key 9/11 event or just revealed a heretofore unknown 9/11 bombshell -- is self-evident and made clear by these growing accounts. Having Hamilton, Kean and/or Zelikow comment on the veracity of Mukasey's claims about the 9/11 attacks -- as they ought to do -- is vital for advancing the story.
by The Anonymous Physicist
Recall I have stated that the acts of trucking in (and out) of sand/earth, that began the very morning after 9/11, were likely done to lower the radiation levels at the WTC. I have hypothesized that Mayor Giuliani got the word from the federal perps to do this after the perps knew of the radiation/China Syndrome at “Ground Zero.” The perps knew this because they knew the types of nukes they had used, and had either agents on the ground assaying radiation levels, or had planes or satellites doing this from above. Hosing down the rubble pile with water also began as soon as they got the trucks and crews down there to this. This continued for months, as the photographic evidence clearly indicates.
Now I would like to present to you some corroboration that these two methods are used to lower radiation levels, and /or act as shielding, for people in the vicinity of nuclear radiation.
The Safety Handbook of the Alberta (Canada) Forest Products Association describes what to do in case of various emergencies. In the case of radiation exposure, it says for “Shielding: Use shielding between yourself and the source of radiation. Equipment, concrete blocks, and PILES OF DIRT OR GRAVEL often provide makeshift shielding.” As Judy Wood’s site indicated (for incorrect reasons, of course) trucks began carrying sand/earth in—and out—of the WTC the next morning. Carrying away the sand/earth may have had the same purpose as selling the WTC steel to China did—to hide the radioactive evidence.
Wiki has several articles that are relevant here too. First this article“ states how paper and water can shield people from radiation: “Alpha radiation is the easiest to shield, because the very massive alpha particles can be stopped even with a leaf of paper. Beta radiation (electrons) is more difficult… shielding must be accomplished with low density materials, e.g. plastic, wood, WATER or acrylic glass.”
The importance of shielding from beta radiation emitted by fissile material is indicated in another wiki article here http://en.wikipediaorg/wiki/Nuclear_fission “Most nuclear fuels undergo spontaneous fission only very slowly, decaying mainly via an alpha/beta decay…. Fission products tend to be beta emitters…”
The following source appears to be written by someone well familiar with the ins and outs of nuclear reactors, and an almost rabid proponent of them—- which I am not. He states how well water can reduce radiation levels in a nuclear reactor: “24 inches of water reduces radiation by a factor of 10 -- therefore it is called a tenth thickness…”
The photos and text from Joel Meyerowitz’ book indicate that the water hosing down of the rubble pile was a massive, continuous effort for months. I would add that water hosing, and the subsequent steam seen emitted many times, also carried away heat as well as lowered radiation. The water’s temperature is raised, and then more energy is used up in the conversion to steam—very much like what happens in a nuclear reactor.
Now these sand/earth and water treatments were of limited use against the fissioning fragments at the bottom of the rubble pile, and in the sub-basement areas of the towers and WTC7. But here distance and inaccessibility acted as shielding for the vast majority of the responders. Only a few were allowed access to the basement areas, it is known. So it is clear that until carted away, the radioactive fission fragments at the WTC (aka the China Syndrome)--causing the great heat in the rubble pile (for threee months), and the even greater temperatures, and flowing molten metal up to six months, after 9/11, underneath the towers and WTC7--had continuous radiation-lowering, and shielding, methods applied to them.
Undoubtedly even more cancers and radiation sicknesses would have resulted among responders, and the local inhabitants, if these sand/earth, and water, measures were not undertaken. These methods lowered the radiation exposure to responders, they provided “makeshift shielding, ” and they also carried away heat. I am not stating this was done out of any concern for the responders, or New York metro area inhabitants; but rather to try to hide the nuking of the WTC, and the China Syndrome aftermath. But the evidence of all that can be found in the archived articles at and
What we should never forget, at this point, is what was learned in the long-term studies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors It took decades for many survivors of those nukes to get cancer or other illnesses. The already known 400 (as of 2006) blood, lymph and thyroid cancers—all common among people exposed to radiation--among 911 responders is likely, and sadly, a drop in the bucket, compared to what may be coming. And, as far as I know, studies to see if there has been an increase of cancer, and/or other immune disorders, among the millions of New York metro inhabitants, since 9/11/01, have not been undertaken.In the World Trade Center case, critics contend the engineering society wrongly concluded skyscrapers cannot withstand getting hit by airplanes. In the hurricane investigation, it was accused of suggesting that the power of the storm was as big a problem as the poorly designed levees.
The group has about 140,000 members and is based in Reston, Va. It sets engineering standards and codes and publishes technical books and a glossy magazine. Members testify regularly before Congress and issue an annual report on the state of the nation's public-works projects.
The society got a $1.1 million grant from the Army Corps of Engineers to study the levee failures. Similarly, the Federal Emergency Management Agency paid the group about $257,000 to investigate the World Trade Center collapse.
In 2002, the society's report on the World Trade Center praised the buildings for remaining standing long enough to allow tens thousands of people to flee.
But, the report said, skyscrapers are not typically designed to withstand airplane impacts. Instead of hardening buildings against such impacts, it recommended improving aviation security and fire protection.
Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl, a structural engineer and forensics expert, contends his computer simulations disprove the society's findings that skyscrapers could not be designed to withstand the impact of a jetliner.
The “anonymous physicist” has this to say on the issue of radiation during and after the WTC nuclear demolition. We must dispense with any naiveté on this important issue. If the EPA and Whitman had found massive radiation and/or radionuclides (radioactive/decaying elements) at the WTC after 9/11, does anyone believe they would ever release this data to the people? Relatedly, it later became known that they found high levels of (asbestos, mercury and other) toxins shortly after 9/11, and yet told the world, and the responders, that “the “air was safe.” They lied, for quite some time, about what they had found in this sense. Now if the EPA tested for, and found, significant radiation, and/or radionuclides, and failed to tell the responders this; it resulted in the responders not wearing radiation-shielding, protective clothing. This would then likely lead to cancer and other illnesses. I note that there has been cancers, in 9/11 responders, and people living nearby; and asbestos is known to usually take far longer for its victims to get cancer. Could these cancers be the result of radiation? Cancer can be caused by even the very lowest levels of radiation. The father of the field of health physics, Dr. Karl Ziegler Morgan, has so stated. The EPA officials and Whitman would be liable for charges of mass murder and treason, just for this cover-up. Also if the government perpetrated 9/11 (and no one else could), would they allow another section of the government to give it all away? Do not the people know how the government lies, in perpetuity, about the Pearl Harbor set-up, the Kennedy assassination, and many more nefarious deeds it has perpetrated?
(Wright) noted that we killed far more people, far more innocent civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki than were killed on 9/11 and "never batted an eye." That this statement is true is inarguable, at least amongst sane people. He is correct on the math, he is correct on the innocence of the dead (neither city was a military target), and he is most definitely correct on the lack of remorse or even self-doubt about the act: sixty-plus years later most Americans still believe those attacks were justified, that they were needed to end the war and "save American lives."
But not only does such a calculus suggest that American lives are inherently worth more than the lives of Japanese civilians (or, one supposes, Vietnamese, Iraqi or Afghan civilians too), but it also ignores the long-declassified documents, and President Truman's own war diaries, all of which indicate clearly that Japan had already signaled its desire to end the war, and that we knew they were going to surrender, even without the dropping of atomic weapons. The conclusion to which these truths then attest is simple, both in its basic veracity and it monstrousness: namely, that in those places we committed premeditated and deliberate mass murder, with no justification whatsoever...
by The Anonymous Physicist
This author, among a few others, has claimed that numerous mini- or micro-nukes were used to destroy the WTC. There may appear to be a conflict between the “official” listing of minimal critical masses for small nuclear fission bombs, and the claims of very small yield for such nuclear devices. Now we have sources, like this Wiki article state that about 10 kg. (kilogram) for Plutonium, and 15-50 Kg for Uranium are their minimal critical masses. I have seen other sources put 2 Kg for the minimal critical mass for Plutonium. At the same time, we have a gov’t physicist at a Congressional hearing, in 1998, who said, “These experiments involve the actual testing of extremely low yield fission devices (as low as the equivalent of several pounds of TNT) within a confined environment.” Such a very small fission yield directly implies a critical mass far below that claimed to be the minimal critical mass for any fission device; thus there appears to be a conflict. How can it be resolved?
Obviously one or the other side may be lying. The official listings and equations for finding the smallest critical mass for a given radionuclide can have been made much larger than they really are—ostensibly to deter nuclear proliferation among “newcomers.” Or the physicist testifying to Congress could have lied to scare people. Although the Congress did pass legislation barring the production of such extremely small yield nukes. Needless legislation was passed, if this were impossible; but this doesn’t prove anything, due to the nature of Congress.
Now regarding mini-nukes, as far back as the 1950’s, the USA had the Davy Crockett mini-nuke (fission). It was called a recoilless rifle with a range of 2-4 km. It’s yield was down to 10 tons of TNT. This is 0.01 Kt (kilotons), or about 1/1000 of the Hiroshima blast. Thus it can be called a mini-nuke. Note that this low yield appears to be from less than the “official” minimal critical mass claimed. One would think that with an additional 45 years before 2001, and with the advent of technological breakthroughs, such as nanotechnology--which the military would have had decades before civilian use--ultra-small nukes would be obtainable, unless truly forbidden by the Laws of Physics.
The Wiki article admits, at one point, that “critical mass depends inversely on the square of the density.” And there are greater explosives now to implode the material to a greater density, than they did in 1945. As the critical mass equation has the density inversely squared, this could provide for a great shrinkage of the minimal critical mass. There are other relevant things in the wiki article on critical mass. There is the “fudge factor, f”. And they admit that “sophisticated nuclear weapons programs can make a functional device from less material than more primitive weapons programs require.” But wiki, which has been called a CIA front, does list the minimal critical masses I cited above.
Can these opposing views be reconciled? How could a micro-nuke be made? At first thought, one might conclude that one would indeed use nanotechnology to emplace Uranium or Plutonium atoms one at a time optimally, to obtain as small, and compact, a nuke as possible— and this may be feasible. But then I realized this may be approaching the problem from the wrong direction. Instead of trying to see how that physicist at the Congressional hearing could build a fission bomb, with a yield of only a few pounds of TNT, from a very tiny amount of Uranium or Plutonium, I may have found better ways.
Now we know, e.g., that the Hiroshima bomb had 80 generations of neutron capture/emission. One neutron yielding 2-3 neutrons with each successful capture by a Uranium nucleus, and so on. 99% of the 13-15 Kt of TNT release is said to have occurred in the last 10 generations of neutron emission. That is because of the exponential build-up to the massive numbers of neutrons at the end. So instead of thinking very tiny, what is to stop the following? Start with an Hiroshima bomb, or the smaller Davy Crockett nuke. Then stop the last few generations of neutron emission/capture to have either of these bombs have a much lower yield. This can probably be attained in numerous ways. 1. A somewhat hollow core or 2. Emplacing one or more spherical shells (or whatever geometry is required) of a neutron absorbing material, at the appropriate radii, to either terminate criticality near the end (or earlier for a very small yield), or go barely critical (as opposed to the initial super-criticality), or possibly sub-critical somewhere in between to halt, or slow, the reaction. 3. Employ ACTIVE nanotech devices to halt a critical reaction, even after it has begun.
The first method is somewhat obvious, so let’s examine the second and third methods. Regarding neutron absorbing shells, we know that the properties of neutron absorbing materials are well known from the nuclear reactor industry. In fact, such a tiny nuclear bomb is almost in between a nuke and a nuclear reactor. I think this is very attainable. Now for the third method. As the time scale between each of the 80 generations of neutron capture/emission is said to be 10 nanoseconds, and nanotechnology operates at nanometer distances, it is thus possible that active, not merely passive, means could be employed to act on this related time scale. Thus it may be possible to build in active methods to curtail, or halt, a chain reaction, even after it has begun. As they have nano-engines, they could have nano-lasers that could “de-implode” the critical mass, even after it has begun! Thus no laws of physics would be violated. So it appears likely that there may be numerous ways to attain micro-nukes-- including with the earlier noted increased density—despite official claims that may be highly exaggerated, or outdated, of 2-10 kilogram masses, etc.
Indeed these methods may make it easier to produce small yield nukes out of fission only, and not have any fusion. And tiny nukes were needed, at the WTC, so as to not obviously nuke through the whole building at once, or Manhattan for that matter. So if only fission nukes could be made so small, we can see how the redundant emplacement of many of these could have given rise to the China Syndrome, beginning on 9/11. Indeed these small nukes that employ methods to “damp” them down, may be difficult to standardize. That is, a little too much damping, and it stops the chain reaction before any significant yield is attained. Thus I now have a third possible causative factor that may have led to fizzled nukes! E.g., they would have used the lowest yield nukes in the smaller buildings, and possibly many of these same devices were placed in the larger towers—or several larger ones, as I originally wrote. Again, I have asserted, all micro-nukes in WTC7 fizzled in the morning. See
And WTC6, with it’s nearly perfect spherical hole, looks like JUST ONE mini-, or micro-nuke exploded there. If this one had fizzled, they would have had to do a WTC7 later in the day, for WTC6 also! What I am saying is that they likely tried to have several go off (redundancy), but that spherical hole indicates just one went off, and came close to being too large, if you know what I mean. Many smaller ones— to hide the nuking, was the order of the day— if possible. And these methods, to reduce the minimal critical mass, may make these micro-nukes very sensitive to fizzling. So this hypothesis of how to make a micro-nuke, may be coherent with the rest of my hypotheses, including fizzled nukes in WTC7 and the towers, and the subsequent China Syndrome of high heat generating radioactive fragments, and the three month long hot, large, rubble pile, and the six month long very high heat underneath the towers and WTC7. The latter due to insufficiency of the radiation-lowering methods of sand and water.
I might even speculate that the fizzled North Korean Nuke (of 2006) may have been given to them by none other than the American regime. And it was one of the WTC-type small nukes— with the same fizzled result! See This is part of the op of having a bogus enemy for a possible bogus future war.
So we may have a cohesive body of knowledge tieing together micro-nukes, fizzled nukes—among the ones that did go off--on 9/11, and the subsequent China Syndrome at New York City’s World trade Center. Unlike Hiroshima, all this arose because the American regime needed to hide the nuking of New York City from its residents! But the nuclear cat is out of the bag, and making its presence more and more known every day.
To mark the fifth anniversary of the war crime against Iraq, The New York Times "asked nine experts on military and foreign affairs to reflect on their attitudes in the spring of 2003 and to comment on the one aspect of the war that most surprised them or that they wished they had considered in the prewar debate." All nine entries are listed here.
Of course, neither the NYT nor any of the "nine experts" refer to the invasion and ongoing occupation as a war crime. Not a single one of these eminent personages acknowledges that Iraq had never attacked us, that Iraq constituted no threat to the U.S. of any consequence whatsoever, and that these facts -- which are the only facts relevant to a determination of whether the U.S. had any justification at all to launch this criminal war -- could have been known in the winter and spring of 2002-2003, and that these facts were known to many "ordinary" persons in the United States and around the world. But none of the "ordinary" persons who understood the truth were "experts." None of them belonged to the ruling class.
Therefore, there is no mention in the august pages of the august NYT of the only judgment that matters:
There is one final point to be made about all this -- and that has to do with the supreme value of a single human life. In our desensitized, dehumanized age, most people have almost no appreciation for what I'm talking about, and our political establishment and media only make this grievous failing worse. Each of us is unique; not one of us can be replaced. Each of us has a family, loved ones, friends and a life that is a web of caring, interdependence, and joy. When even one of us is killed or horribly injured for no justifiable reason, the damage affects countless people in addition to the primary victim. Sometimes, the survivors are irreparably damaged as well. Even the survivors' wounds can last a lifetime.
This is of the greatest significance. There is nothing more important or meaningful in the world. No moral principle legitimizes our invasion and occupation of Iraq, just as it will not justify an attack on Iran. Therefore, when the first person was killed in Iraq as the result of our actions, the immorality was complete. The crime had been committed, and no amends could ever suffice or would even be possible. That many additional tens or hundreds of thousands of people have subsequently been killed or injured does not add to the original immorality with regard to first principles. It increases its scope, which is an additional and terrible horror -- but the principle is not altered in the smallest degree.
So think of the five-year-old Iraqi girl who is no more, or think of any one of the countless other victims of this criminal war and occupation. Think of their families and friends. Think of the lives that have been altered forever, and of the wounds that will never heal. Think about all of that.
Contemplate the devastation and the horror. Make it real to yourself. And ask yourself if forgiveness is possible.
You can read the views of all nine "experts," and you will also find not a single mention of the genocide that the actions of the U.S. government have unleashed.
So here’s the question we really should be asking: When the feds do bail out the financial system, what will they do to ensure that they aren’t also bailing out the people who got us into this mess?
Still, that’s not what has me worried. I’m more concerned that despite the extraordinary scale of Mr. Bernanke’s action — to my knowledge, no advanced-country’s central bank has ever exposed itself to this much market risk — the Fed still won’t manage to get a grip on the economy. You see, $400 billion sounds like a lot, but it’s still small compared with the problem.
Indeed, early returns from the credit markets have been disappointing. Indicators of financial stress like the “TED spread” (don’t ask) are a little better than they were before the Fed’s announcement — but not much, and things have by no means returned to normal.
What if this initiative fails? I’m sure that Mr. Bernanke and his colleagues are frantically considering other actions that they can take, but there’s only so much the Fed — whose resources are limited, and whose mandate doesn’t extend to rescuing the whole financial system — can do when faced with what looks increasingly like one of history’s great financial crises.
The next steps will be up to the politicians.
I used to think that the major issues facing the next president would be how to get out of Iraq and what to do about health care. At this point, however, I suspect that the biggest problem for the next administration will be figuring out which parts of the financial system to bail out, how to pay the cleanup bills and how to explain what it’s doing to an angry public.
Almost everything seems to be going wrong for the American economy at once. People are buying less, but most things are costing more. Mortgage rates are rising, the dollar is falling and prices of key commodities like oil are leaping from one record high to the next.
On Thursday, the dollar plumbed new lows against the Japanese yen and several other major currencies; the price of an ounce of gold jumped above $1,000 for the first time; and lenders raised home loan rates once again. Government figures showed retail sales fell in February as consumers cut back on cars, furniture and electronics.
Here's the way the whole thing works, according to Gorman: into the NSA's massive database goes data collected by the Justice Department, Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Treasury. This information includes data about email (recipient and sender address, subject, time sent), internet searches (sites visited and searches conducted), phone calls (incoming and outgoing numbers, length of call, location), financial information (wire transfers, credit-card use, information about bank accounts), and information from the DHS about airline passengers.
Then the NSA's software analyzes this data for indications of terrorist activity. When it hits upon a suspicious pattern, the NSA "feeds its findings into the effort the administration calls the Terrorist Surveillance Program and shares some of that information with other U.S. security agencies.”
Here's a more in-depth explanation:Two former officials familiar with the data-sifting efforts said they work by starting with some sort of lead, like a phone number or Internet address. In partnership with the FBI, the systems then can track all domestic and foreign transactions of people associated with that item -- and then the people who associated with them, and so on, casting a gradually wider net. An intelligence official described more of a rapid-response effect: If a person suspected of terrorist connections is believed to be in a U.S. city -- for instance, Detroit, a community with a high concentration of Muslim Americans -- the government's spy systems may be directed to collect and analyze all electronic communications into and out of the city.
The haul can include records of phone calls, email headers and destinations, data on financial transactions and records of Internet browsing. The system also would collect information about other people, including those in the U.S., who communicated with people in Detroit.
BEIJING (AFP) - Passengers carrying suspicious liquids on board a Chinese airliner were involved in what officials have called an attempted terror attack last week, the national aviation authority said Monday.
A government official from the Muslim-dominated region of Xinjiang in China's northwest had said the flight crew had foiled Friday's alleged attempt to deliberately crash a plane flying from the region's capital of Urumqi to Beijing.
But on Monday, the General Administration of Civil Aviation said in a statement on its website that "China Southern Airlines flight CZ6901 from Urumqi to Beijing discovered some passengers were in possession of suspicious liquids.
"To safeguard passenger safety, the plane was diverted to Lanzhou's Zhongchuan Airport."
The statement said the plane later arrived safely in Beijing. No other details were given.
Shanghai's Oriental Morning Post reported that the substances in question were believed to have been flammable.
"According to sources, flammable substances were found in the toilet of the plane. At least two passengers have been detained for questioning," it said, without specifying its sources.
By The Anonymous Physicist
On 2/25/2008, 911blogger ran a piece that had structural engineer, Dr. Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl citing evidence from the WTC rubble that could only honestly be interpreted as coming from the use of a nuclear weapon.
The 911blogger piece states, “Astaneh-Asl, [who is said to have arrived at the WTC site on 9/19/01 for a two week study], said that steel flanges “"had been reduced from an inch thick to paper thin."” At a recycling center in New Jersey, he saw 10-ton steel beams from the towers that “"looked like giant sticks of twisted licorice."” He showed the San Francisco Chronicle a “"banana-shaped, rust-colored piece of steel”" that had somehow “"twisted like toffee during the terrorist attack."” He noted the way steel from the WTC had bent at several connection points that had joined the floors to the vertical columns…In an interview in 2007, Astaneh-Asl recalled, “"I saw melting of girders in [the] World Trade Center.”"He found a foot-long twisted shard of steel that was "like a piece of bread, but it was high-strength steel.”" He commented, “"I haven't seen anything like this [before]."” He came across "”severely scorched [steel] members from 40 or so floors below the points of impact [by the planes]."” The fireproofing that had been used to protect the WTC steel also showed evidence of extreme conditions. In some places it had "melted into a glassy residue." Astaneh-Asl saw a charred I-beam from WTC Building 7-- a 47-story skyscraper that collapsed late in the afternoon of 9/11, even though no plane hit it. "”The beam, so named because its cross-section looks like a capital I, had clearly endured searing temperatures. Parts of the flat top of the I, once five-eighths of an inch thick, had vaporized."”
The 911blogger piece says that Astaneh-Asl concludes that fire brought down the towers, and cleverly disagrees with that “conclusion.” I note that the piece states that Astaneh-Asl-- an Iranian engineer teaching at Berkeley-- was picked as part of a team by the American Society of Civil Engineers. This is the forever reputation-destroyed organization that printed the blatant falsifications of Seffen and Bazant, that I and Spooked have proven to be impossible and of which my dust size analysis demonstrated blatant lying about the evidence.
Now 911Blogger adds this hangout to the quotes of Dr. Astaneh-Asl, “This appears to be further evidence that high-temperature explosives, such as thermate, were used to bring down the towers.” This is added despite no quote from Astaneh-Asl on thermite, and that this would be despite the fact that the vaporization of the steel, and the other evidence cited, indicate both vastly higher temperatures were present than thermite/thermate/super-duper thermate could generate, AND stating that “steel flanges had been reduced from an inch thick to paper thin" could only arise from the million degree heat and/or the neutron bombardment from nukes. Notice also how this evidence agrees with my citation from WTC engineer, Mike Pecoraro, who said he and a colleague present in the sub-basement of WTC1 on 9/11 “were astonished to see a steel and concrete fire door that weighed about 300 pounds, wrinkled up like a piece of aluminum foil" after a sub-basement explosion timed to coincide with the “plane hit” explosion above.
Again only neutron bombardment and/or temperatures far beyond “thermite” could have done that, as well as completely vaporize over a thousand people, and much of the other contents of the towers.
So we see how the intel agencies have acted since the beginning. The PTB, and their intel agencies’ top dogs, knew that nuclear bombs were used to destroy the WTC on 911. False “911truth” blogs, websites, and forums would be set up to masquerade as searching for the truth, and admitting the government’s official story is wrong. These websites, would be added as needed to the already established “conspiracy” or “conspiracy debunking” websites, forums etc.-- the virtual entirety of these already present on the internet, were also controlled by the intel agencies. The number of Brits included in the old and the new Conspiracy forums/blogs is an indication of MI6 control.
Now all these blogs, forums, sites would be used to--
1. censor all evidence that nukes were used on 9/11, and that the China Syndrome resulted, and
2. Promote desperate limited hangouts instead.
A handful of intel agents would control those genuinely seeking the truth by insertion into the top of the 911truth field by the intel agencies, and by pushing the “yes, the OCT is wrong, and there was government involvement.” To help splinter, alienate etc. the 911truth community, various hangouts were created. These include the evidence-free DDT (DEW Disinfo Theory), the thermite hangout, and the perennial Jews/Zionists/Israelis hangout.
The heads of the DEW and thermite hangouts were waiting in the wings of the intel agencies, should the nuclear truth be released. When some of the Finnish military expert’s writings on the nuking of the WTC on 9/11 were translated into English and published at the Finnish website in 2005, the intel agencies felt they had to spring their agents into action. The ludicrous hangouts of DEW and thermite were released to the intel agency controlled “911truth” internet community, within a year or so of the Finn’s translations being printed on the net.
For the record, Spooked has told me that when this blog posted its first article on the nuking of the WTC he found his blog had been removed from 911blogger’s list of links! This is an apparent display of intel agency control of 911blogger to promote the ludicrous hangout of thermite, and the denial of the people’s access to the nuclear truth.
My numerous articles have destroyed these hangouts. See and As genuine scientists and engineers could prove the case for nukes, the thermite promoter, a nuclear physicist— and nuclear physicists would ordinarily know nothing abut thermite-- was inserted to try to head and control the scientists and engineers who might be genuine. Many of these scientists and engineers could not be genuine, else they would have left after seeing all the evidence of the nuking of the WTC, and of the obvious intel agent nature of their “leader.” His earlier work for the PTB in trying to disprove the validity of a great new energy source from water is clear for all to see. See this youtube piece originally titled, “Prof. [Steven] Jones from HeavyWaterGate - The War on Cold Fusion” Any engineer or scientist who allows him/herself to be led by such an obvious intel asset is him/herself suspect as being an intel asset for the thermite hangout—and, legally/criminally, an obstructor of Justice. Note, I have stated numerous times that thermite, etc. did not have the explosive power nor the temperature to have done what was done to the WTC towers, nor does thermite remain hot for months like Jones proclaims (it cools off in minutes or hours, as you can see on youtube), to hide the nuclear truth of the massive, six month long heat generation of the radioactive fragments (until removed) at the WTC--the China Syndrome.
Now-- right on cue-- two weeks after the 911blogger piece ran, takes the 911blogger scam piece and adds the Israeli hangout to the “thermite/thermate” hangout. Both of these hangouts pinpoint each website/blog as a total front for the MI6/Rome intel agency controllers of these sites/blogs. Rense may be the most popular conspiracy website in the world, and cleverly displays some good conspiracy material frequently. The other huge conspiracy blog (also with some good articles frequently) is that of Alex Jones, who also will never mention the China Syndrome, nor even the nuking of the WTC on 9/11. Instead he promotes the obvious intel agent, Steven Jones, and thermite. So you will never see my articles taken at these “Conspiracy” sites, as London/Rome do not want Americans and the world to see all the proof of the nuking of New York City, and the China Syndrome aftermath. Only MI6/CIA/Rome approved articles, and authors, are posted at all the websites and blogs that these agencies control-- virtually all of the “conspiracy” and “911truth” blogs/forums. Rense did take some articles on the nuking of the WTC from someone with an M.D. degree (one year taken of college Physics for pre-meds--a course I, myself, taught at one University) who slanted everything again to the ludicrous and evidence-free “Dimona nukes” hangout.
Rense’s intel cover is blown with its ludicrous and daily, massive displays of anti-Semitism, and bird flu material. From Rense, one comes away with believing that only Jews and bird flu need worry us. Bird flu, numerous experts have said, is easily defeated with the body’s own simple fever, and thus by not taking aspirin, etc. Jews: well the German Nazis got their masses to think that their only worry was the “all powerful Jew pervading their country, society and economy.” Yes. the Jews were so powerful, they couldn’t keep themselves from virtual total extermination on the European continent. Fascinating that then-- as now-- the Jew hangout, kept the German people from finding out that “Hitler was a British agent,” as this book proves, and that London was setting up Germany, and the rest of the world, for devastation. The Jew hangout was used so that the German people did not look to London as the real puppet-masters of the Nazi horde, and thus the real enemy of the German people.
Likewise now the same hangout is getting more and more play, as the word spreads that New York City was nuked on 9/11/01-- BY ITS OWN REGIME-- with the resultant China Syndrome of releasing cancer-causing radiation to millions of metro New York inhabitants, and 9/11 responders. So yes, the intel agency controlled internet blogs, forums, sites, must censor out all info that proves the regime’s use of nukes on 9/11, and the China Syndrome result; lest the people wake up, realize they have nothing to lose and revolt; and remove the mass murderers in their midst, and in control of their very existence. Hint: They obviously fear that it is doable!