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Friday, January 01, 2100

Blog Overview (Permanent Top Post)

This blog explores politics from a liberal/left perspective but also deals heavily with conspiracy theories and various unusual topics. Although I started this blog to research 9/11, my most pressing issue of concern now is anthropogenic climate change.

If you have doubts about the science of climate change, this website is a very useful resource to get educated.

I'm happy to have people comment and contribute ideas here. I don't censor comments except in rare cases where there is abuse or private information. Google/Blogger does sometimes censor comments for reasons I don't understand and I have no control over. Lately, I am not able to even find comments that Google/Blogger has blocked. Sorry about that.

You can read about the history of this blog here. I post kind of irregularly in recent years but I try to keep this site active. Feel free to use the search engine on the side for older content. For expired links, try using the Wayback Machine.

I rarely ever check my email for this blog (see sidebar for my address). If you need to contact me, the best bet is to leave a comment. If you need to email me, let me know in a comment that you've emailed me.

Thank you for reading.

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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Donald Trump: The Most Despicable, Treasonous and Dishonest Politician Ever

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Fox News: The Engine of Disinformation That Shaped and Shattered America

 Really, they are worse than any terror group in the damage they've done to the US.

In the summer of 2001, while President George W. Bush was enjoying a break at his Texas ranch, America’s future was buried in a stack of ignored intelligence reports. Among them, the now-infamous “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” memo. The negligence was catastrophic, leading to 9/11—a tragedy that would forever alter the world. But as the dust settled from the Twin Towers, another kind of threat was taking shape—not through terror, but through information, or rather, disinformation. 

Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News wasn’t merely informing the public; it was systematically bending reality, reshaping the world one half-truth at a time. From the moment it launched, Fox News wasn’t interested in being a conservative counterweight to the so-called liberal media. It set out to create an alternate universe where facts were malleable, and the truth was whatever kept its audience hooked. Think of it as a political reality show, except instead of roses, viewers were handed fear, outrage, and lies. It wasn’t about keeping the public informed; it was about keeping them addicted. 


The WMD Lie: Fox’s Role in Selling a War 

Fox News wasn’t just reporting a war—it was crafting one. Doubt the WMD narrative? Question the invasion’s morality? You weren’t just wrong—you were unpatriotic, even traitorous. Anchors like Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly weren’t journalists; they were war salesmen, packaging an invasion as a righteous crusade against evil. Fox’s “Countdown to Iraq” segments, complete with ominous music and dramatic flag imagery, reduced a complex geopolitical conflict into a high-stakes episode of 24. Saddam Hussein wasn’t just a dictator—he was the villain America had to vanquish. And the viewers? They weren’t asked to think; they were told to feel. Fear. Anger. Patriotism. The results were as predictable as they were deadly. Research confirmed that regions with heavy Fox News consumption saw disproportionately higher support for the Iraq War, a direct result of the network’s uncritical amplification of flawed intelligence. But these aren’t just numbers on a page. These are human lives—neighbors, family members—lost to an ideological war where ratings mattered more than responsibility. Over 4,000 American soldiers died. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis perished. And the war, a ratings bonanza for Fox, became one of the most disastrous foreign policy decisions in American history. And the cost? A destabilized Middle East, the birth of ISIS, and a war on terror that left deep scars on the global stage. Fox didn’t stop at reporting—it manufactured consent. As former producer Alex Bronkowski admitted, “We weren’t in the business of informing. We were in the business of fear. Fear sells.” And sell, it did—like a dark rerun of America’s longest-running horror show. 


COVID-19: The Deadly Cost of Disinformation 

With lessons learned from Iraq, Fox turned its attention to a new battlefield: the global pandemic. In 2020, as the world locked down to fight COVID-19, Fox was busy opening the floodgates of misinformation. This time, the enemy wasn’t a foreign dictator—it was science. Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, the network’s stars, led the charge against masks, vaccines, and lockdowns. Carlson, with his trademark smirk, called lockdowns “the greatest infringement on personal liberty since slavery” (yes, really), while Ingraham downplayed the efficacy of vaccines, even as body counts rose. Behind the scenes, Fox’s hypocrisy was breathtaking. Inside their own offices, strict COVID protocols were enforced. Rupert Murdoch quietly got vaccinated—one of the first to do so. The very people spreading vaccine skepticism to millions of Americans were protecting themselves, leaving their viewers to roll the dice with their lives. The result? The regions most loyal to Fox News saw higher COVID-19 deaths, with vaccine hesitancy rampant. Take Joe Joyce, a Brooklyn bar owner who took Fox at its word, dismissed COVID as media hype, and refused to wear a mask. He died from the virus not long after. His daughter said, “He trusted them. Now he’s gone.” Stories like Joe’s never made it to air. Instead, Fox promoted figures like Robert LaMay, a Washington state trooper who refused the vaccine and became a folk hero for defying mandates—until COVID took his life. After he died, Fox moved on. His defiance was useful; his death, not so much. But these aren’t just tragic anecdotes. Research confirmed that COVID death rates were higher in counties dominated by Fox News viewers. Once again, Fox had blood on its hands—not because of bombs, but because of lies.


The Big Lie: How Fox Fueled an Insurrection 

From weaponizing fear during wartime to stoking deadly pandemics, Fox’s disinformation machine was far from finished. Its most dangerous act of all was perpetuating the Big Lie following the 2020 election. As Donald Trump railed against the results, Fox amplified his baseless claims of voter fraud. Internal communications revealed during the Dominion lawsuit showed that Fox knew the election wasn’t stolen. But truth? That didn’t matter. Ratings did. Rupert Murdoch said it himself: “It’s not about red or blue—it’s about green.” Fox turned Trump’s lie into its central narrative, legitimizing conspiracy theories and whipping up anger among Trump’s base. They weren’t just reporting on the election—they were laying the groundwork for the January 6th insurrection. Trump supporters, radicalized by months of disinformation, stormed the Capitol in a desperate attempt to overturn the results. And Fox? They had the audacity to report on it as if they hadn’t been complicit in inciting it. Former Fox News analyst Chris Stirewalt later testified, “Fox didn’t just mislead the public—they weaponized the truth, and we all saw the result on January 6th.” This wasn’t just a crisis of political legitimacy—it was a reality crisis.


Undermining America: Fox’s Legacy of Mistrust 

Fox News isn’t just a media outlet—it’s the sharpest cultural weapon ever wielded in American politics. It didn’t just fracture families; it reshaped the very DNA of the nation, turning neighbors into enemies and citizens into foot soldiers for disinformation. Fox News has left an indelible mark on America’s psyche, undermining trust in the very institutions that hold the country together. Scientists? They’re shills. The government? Corrupt. The media? The enemy of the people. Fox has turned collective action—whether it’s tackling climate change or improving healthcare—into a dirty word, equating it with government overreach and the loss of personal liberty. And here’s the thing: Fox knows exactly what it’s doing. It has conditioned an entire segment of the population to live in a state of perpetual grievance and distrust, tuning in night after night for their daily fix of outrage. America’s real problems—like wealth inequality, systemic racism, and the existential threat of climate change—take a back seat to the latest culture war Fox chooses to manufacture. And for what? As Rupert Murdoch himself admitted during the Dominion lawsuit: “It’s not about what’s true—it’s about what sells.” And Fox, in the end, is in the business of selling fear. Conclusion: The Fight for Truth The fight for truth in America isn’t just a political battle—it’s an existential one. Fox News, from its earliest days, has waged a war on reality itself. It has turned half-truths into profits and misinformation into power. The stakes couldn’t be higher. Stronger fact-checking, transparency, and accountability for those who knowingly spread lies are the bare minimum steps forward. Rupert Murdoch’s legacy isn’t that of a media mogul. It’s that of an architect of a disinformation empire, a man who wielded the power of the press not to inform, but to deceive. And the fallout? We’re only beginning to see the full cost. The next battlefield won’t just be in Washington or Baghdad—it will be in the minds of Americans, where the line between truth and fiction grows ever thinner.

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Saturday, August 24, 2024

20 Years Blogging Here

 What a journey... 

I started here with the goal of trying to stop GW Bush to get a 2nd term and 20 years later, I'm trying to keep an even worse president from getting a 2nd term (yes, the orange turd himself, Donald J Dickface)...

I know I have almost no readers here at this point, but I have enjoyed posting here and interacting with various people along the way.... and TRYING to sort out the biggest crime of my life, the 9/11 attacks.

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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Key anomalies for the official flight 93 story

1) lack of major plane debris around crash crater 
2) one engine found one mile away, very unlikely for it to fly that far on impact
3) strange phone calls
4) discrepancies for time of crash (10:03 vs 10:06) 
5) evidence for a 2nd flight 93
6) plane debris found up to 8 miles away from official crash site
7) incomprehensible official story for how plane exploded upon impact but also completely burrowed into the ground and shredded at the same time
8) ACARS evidence showing flight 93 continued flying after crash
9) missing human remains (supposedly all official people accounted for but only tiny amounts of each body found)
10) geometry of official crater doesn't make sense for official story of inverted Boeing 757 crash
11) pristine bandana shown as evidence, supposedly worn by one of the hijackers, supposedly survived burning crash.
12) plane tail and wingtips should have broken off in large pieces but are completely absent from the debris field

Ultimately none of the official story makes sense and we can only speculate what really happened with the public evidence presented. 

My best guess is that there was a second flight 93 and two crash sites. One flight involved a hijacking "drill" or exercise with the hijackers and a few passengers and the other flight was the regular commercial flight with the other passengers. How the crash crater in Shanksville was formed is hard to understand but certainly doesn't fit the official story of a Boeing 757 crash. I have tried very hard to make the official crash story make sense to me but I just can't. On the other hand, it's impossible to know exactly how it would have been faked. Absent new evidence, the public will never know the true story or be able to make sense of the crash site.
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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Flight 93 Crater Suggests The Plane Was Tilted As It Went In But This Doesn't Make Any More Sense Than Anything Else About The Flight 93 Crash Crater

 Pic 1


Pic 2

This is hard to explain, but I think the pictures above show the idea that, assuming a plane crashed there, the plane didn't strike such that both engines hit at the same time or levelly, but rather the plane was tilted to one side, so one engine hit first, maybe the western side first (to the right in the top pic and to the left in the lower pic). This is most clearly hinted at by the off-kilter tail print, such that it's not at a 90 degree angle to the wings but off at an angle (see Pic 2). But you can also see that the black smears where the "engines" hit, trail a bit off to the western side, not straight forward out of the crater. And of course the huge explosion into the forest is at a skewed angle from the wing marks, not straight forward out of the crater.

The official flight path however is 90 degree perpendicular angle to the wing imprints, so this doesn't really add up.

It's hard to show in a diagram-- but if the plane is tilted to one side as it hits, there's simply NO WAY it can make the impact imprint shown if there is a 90 degree perpendicular angle of the wings to the flight path. 

And in my mind, if the plane is really going 563 mph as it hits, it impacts in a fraction of a second. There's no way there's time for it to tilt once it impacts, not to mention the incredible momentum of the high speed object is just going to drive every part of the plane straight on the path it was going on once it impacts.

This yet one more oddity to the crash crater and it shows that either the official flight path is quite off or the whole thing was faked...
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Monday, August 12, 2024

About Those Black "Engine Spots" on Each Side of the Flight 93 Crater

There are two blackened spots on the ground that apparently (supposedly) correspond to where the engines of the plane hit the ground, they are separate holes next to the main crater. You can see in the 3rd pic that the "engines" created their own little craters.


Close up of the crater. You can see the black spot on the eastern (left side) of the crater is much bigger than the other side, for unclear reasons. 



So what exactly caused these black spots? 

The obvious explanation is that fuel burned intensely there from the engine that hit there. OK. Maybe. I don't have any other real explanation for these dark spots.

Now supposedly, one of the engines bounced away from the crash site and OFFICIALLY landed ONE MILE AWAY, which is truly absurd for a plane that went in the ground the way it is supposed to have.

We don't know which of the black engine spots was made by the engine that "bounced away". Maybe the less black spot?

Still I don't know why the engine that bounced away would cause a spot. 

But the other issue is we have this photo of one of the engines they dug up from the crater. It's a bit absurd that the engine fragment is only 2 feet below the surface, max, considering that the rest of the plane is much deeper and the engine is very heavy with huge thrust.

Anyway, why isn't the soil black all around the engine and why isn't the engine covered black soot?

Also, where is the rest of the parts of the engine, like the cowling? There should be remnants all around this part if it was really found here.

BUT ultimately nothing here really makes sense. There are two black spots here and we don't know why and no one else seems interested in this.

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Thursday, August 08, 2024

What really happened with Flight 93? A Systematic Analysis

Note-- I am not considering the "shoot down" hypothesis here because I don't think it fits in any way with the official crash crater. The shoot down idea doesn't help explain the crater, in my opinion, it makes it somewhat less likely, as a crippled plane would have less ability to dive at high speed into the ground and disappearing. And, if there is a "shoot down", it implies a real plane and a real hijacking, which can't be taken for granted. Thus, here I am focusing on what made the crater. Note if the official crash crater site were faked, it is possible a "real" flight was shot down else whereas part of the flight 93 story, but this is a separate aspect of this flight and is not going to be considered here.

So, I am using a point scale to weigh the evidence, pros and cons for the crash site being different from the official story. 

Firmness of evidence on scale of 1-5, where 5 is most solid 

Reasons to think there was a conspiracy and the crash site is fake or different from the official story. 

1)        Operation Northwoods from the 1960s proposed a similar scenario of fake plane crash, false flag operation to incite a war-- 5

2)        Bush/Cheney administration famously secretive and dishonest, lied American into Iraq war-- 5

3)        Overall 9/11 scenario is highly suspect, some degree of coverup is clear—5

4)        Hijacking drills run by US military prior to and on the day of 9/11, made a hoax easier—4

5)        Official crash crater has major issues for being a legitimate 757 crash – 4

6)        weirdness some of with the phone calls, particularly Ed Felt, Todd Beamer—3

7)        official story makes for very good fighting back propaganda on a very terrible day—4

8)        Evidence for twin flight 93’s; ACARS data shows flight continuing; Cleveland airport flight 1989 mystery-- 3



Plausibility of reasons to believe the official story on scale of 1-5, where 5 is most plausible


Reasons to believe the official story

1)        hard to believe such a massive lie from the govt--3

2)        massive coverup would be hard to maintain-- 4

3)        flight 93 families would have to be badly fooled or in on it-- 4

4)        hard to imagine who would carry out this hoax—4

5)        very hard to imagine they could kill everyone elsewhere and plant human remains for everyone --3



Weighing the pros and cons of a hoax—sums of numerical weighting:


Pro-hoax= 33

No hoax= 18


Pretty clear the pro-hoax arguments win.


Various scenarios that could explain the evidence (and are not the official story):


1A) official crash site is total fake mock up of crash site with planted plane parts, some planted human remains, passengers and crew are totally faked personas, many actors involved in phone calls and families; human IDs at crash site are fudged-– hardest to believe, harder to run; explains evidence except a duplicate flight 93


1B) official crash site is total fake mock up of crash site with planted plane parts, some planted human remains, real passengers and crew killed elsewhere or taken away to live under new identity, human IDs at crash site are fudged-– plausible but harder to believe, harder to run; explains evidence except a duplicate flight 93


1C) official crash site is total fake mock up of crash site with planted plane parts, real passengers and crew killed elsewhere, planted human remains are from actual passengers and crew -– plausible but harder to believe, harder to carry out; explains evidence except a duplicate flight 93



2) official crash site is actual plane crash, but not a 757 or flight 93; it was a smaller plane or drone, real passengers and crew killed elsewhere, planted human remains – plausible but harder to believe, harder to run; explains evidence except a duplicate flight 93


3) official crash site is actual plane crash, but not a 757 or flight 93, it was a smaller plane carrying some official passengers on hijacking drill with real hijackers; other official passengers on actual flight 93 crashed elsewhere and crash covered up, some evidence planted in Shanksville—plausible, explains all evidence


4) official crash site is actual plane crash, but not a 757 or flight 93, it was a smaller plane with some official passengers on hijacking drill with real hijackers, other official passengers on actual flight 93 landed elsewhere and passengers and crew killed, body pieces taken and planted at official crash site —less plausible due to having to kill Americans in cold blood, otherwise explains evidence




Crash site

2 planes involved with Hijacking drill

Passengers/crew fate

Extra plane crash


No plane, total fake


Fake personas; all body IDs fudged



No plane, total fake


Real people, killed elsewhere or moved elsewhere, body IDs fudged



No plane, total fake


Real people, killed elsewhere, parts planted



Smaller plane, not 757


All official passengers and crew killed 



Smaller plane, not 757


Some official passengers are on the plane, rest killed in 2nd crash; these body parts planted



Smaller plane, not 757


Some official passengers are on the plane, rest killed in cold blood; these body parts planted



 I tend to favor scenario 4 overall, I think.



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