Humint Events Online: Thoughts of the Day

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thoughts of the Day

1) The Obama election, like the financial crisis, like the Iraq war, was another major event orchestrated to continue the 9/11 cover-up.

2) Howard Zinn and his ilk make me sick.

3) It is depressing but not shocking to see the perpetrators of the financial crisis being either bailed out or promoted into the Obama administration (Geithner, Rubin, Summers, etc). This is quite analogous to the 9/11 perps (FBI, CIA, military, media) all getting promoted or getting big budgetary boosts after 9/11-- all of course, to try to prevent another terror attack. Now, we have these "financial wizards" all getting bailed out and embraced to try to "prevent" another financial meltdown-- after most of the damage has been done.


Blogger pteranodon said...

In 2009, when whistle-blowers start to appear, let's hope they tell the truth about the nukings and China Syndrome.

12:48 PM  
Blogger nickname said...

This revelation, among many others, in ap's latest manifesto raises a question. Here's what ap said:

"I even recently revealed here that the major reason that President Kennedy was killed may have been because he wanted to wrest control of nukes and ICBMs from the military."

If that's true, then what's the basis for claiming that a limo driver shot JFK? Greer wasn't in the military. He worked for the Secret Service.

2:42 PM  

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