Humint Events Online: The Afghan War Scam and Murderous Tragedy Continues

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Afghan War Scam and Murderous Tragedy Continues

The Afghan war is a classic case of the US creating an enemy out of thin air, a totally pointless, bogus, tragic, costly, murderous, wasteful war.

It's hard to over-state how mind-blowingly insane this war was, since it is in fact the longest war in US history and it was so fucking pointless.

Unless you consider boosting opium production and supporting drug warlords, the point. Or unless you consider securing rights to the vast mineral deposits of Afghanistan, the point.

Despite the stated draw-down of troops in the next couple of years, the fucking night-raid-death-squads and drone-slaughter will continue indefinitely.

Fucking fuck every fucker who has perpetuated this war.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

pink salmon turn yellow from pacific radiation

humans suck

1:45 PM  

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