Humint Events Online: Russian Fake News, Propaganda, Disinfo & "Active Measures"

Friday, November 23, 2018

Russian Fake News, Propaganda, Disinfo & "Active Measures"

This 3 part video series on the Russian fake new operation "Operation Infektion" is worth a watch.

For instance, the conspiracy that HIV was engineered by the US Army as a bioweapon was definitely Russian propaganda. 

I think in the conspiracy realm, it's important to be aware of the influence of foreign propaganda, and particularly for 9/11, we need to wonder about some of the "facts" that are part of the conspiracy lore.

Of course it's a spy game, and the US puts out its own propaganda too, so the truth can be a bit confusing sometimes.

For me the keys are to:

1) have several trusted sources of info
2) never trust any source or one story completely
3) find direct sources if possible, like video
4) highly partisan sources mislead a lot, particularly on the right
5) popular conspiracy sources put out a lot of bullshit
6) be aware of confirmation bias
7) nuance is important


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