Humint Events Online: Thoughts on the WTC Collapsing Due to Osteoporosis

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Thoughts on the WTC Collapsing Due to Osteoporosis

See this post for an explanation.

While this osteoporosis story may well be true, there are a couple of things that make me doubt it.

The number one thing is-- why has NIST or any other agency not said anything about this? Is this osteoporosis of the WTC towers supposed to be a dirty secret? And are we supposed to Osama bin Laden know about this problem? Otherwise, why would they expect the buildings to collapse?

Second-- why was there such a rush to clean up the WTC and so little opportunity to examine the causes for the collapse?

On the other hand-- the "osteoporosis" theory does make some sense. However, this explanation must be a secret that the building's owner didn't want anyone to know about.

Covering up known problems with the building would be a crime, I would imagine. So that may the reason for the secrecy.

If Larry Silverstein indeed knew about this problem, but didn't want to pay for renovations-- then maybe donating his buildings for a staged terrorist attack was a good business move for him. Plus, he got to collect extra insurance money this way.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Will any one of this ever come to light? Karl Schwarz seems to indicate that this story is still developing.


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