Humint Events Online: Possible Breakthrough in Understanding the Collapse of the WTC Towers

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Possible Breakthrough in Understanding the Collapse of the WTC Towers

There is a fascinating webpage here that describes a new model for how the WTC towers were demolished: they were built with pre-coated C4 explosives on the core columns. Sounds crazy perhaps, but the guy seems to know his stuff.
How the WTC was successfully demolished on 9-11-01.

The only way to reconcile this analysis inclusive of the 4 Glaring Inconsistencies*** is that the thick coatings of the rebar of the cast concrete support core columns and foundation were actually made of plastic explosive C4. This would put enough explosive force in direct contact with the most concrete at high enough pressures and enable the instantaneous structural collapse of each floor consecutively to the ground that we saw, as well as the resulting particulate. Attempting to apply explosives to the exterior of the concrete would have created too much external explosion and made the demo obvious without achieving a fraction of what we saw or see in the sand and gravel of the photos linked above.

This was technology invented in the cold war to make self destruct missile silos and submarine bases, perfect for preplanned demolition. The C4 protected the steel from corrosion before the sea water was evacuated by the incoming concrete to the forms. The C4 was encapsulated in the concrete and its 10 year average shelf life extended by many times.
There is much more interesting info at his site, and he also attempts to explain the strange story of the spire, that I posted about a few days back. Overall, this fellow has put together an incredible story and it is the best single explanation that I have seen for why the WTC collapsed. It probably takes a few readings to really have it sink in. I definitely will be referring back to this theory in the future.

***He has these further down on his page. They are: 1) The collapse of WTC 7, not hit by a plane; 2) The rate of collapse equaling that of free fall; 3) The molten steel seen in the basement 2 weeks after 9-11; 4) The character and quantity of concrete particulate.


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