Humint Events Online: A Watershed Moment for the 9/11 Truth Movement

Saturday, April 30, 2005

A Watershed Moment for the 9/11 Truth Movement

David Ray Griffin on C-SPAN2.

They aired his speech this morning. I saw the first half of it and it was quite good. I liked the way he started off from a theological and political viewpoint and cited various authors who supported different positions.

What was most striking was Griffin pushing the oddities of the Pentagon hit, something I have spent a fair amount of time on here.

Now according to some 9/11 truth activists, the Pentagon is a red herring, a honey pot that is a trap for conspiracy theorists-- and in fact they think the government set this trap on purpose to derail and discredit 9/11 skeptics (for instance they think this is why the FBI hasn't released the confiscated Pentagin footage).

Nonehteless, Griffin is out there pushing the Pentagon no-757 story and is getting on C-SPAN. Interesting.

I suppose some skeptics would say they are showing Griffin precisely because he can discredit himself by talking about the Pentagon. That may be. But on the other hand, Griffin's whole argument does not rest on the Pentagon, and many of his points are very strong and not so controversial.

Overall, I think Griffin's speech did a lot more good than harm, even if he did refer to the dreaded Pentagon hit. At least judging by the comments on his speech at Democratic Underground, Griffin opened a lot of eyes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's great that Griffin's well-reasoned words & arguement for 9/11 being an inside is getting a wider audience...but one could hardly call C-Span2 a widely watched channel. ;-)

BTW you know where on the 'net I could download the C-Span2 airing of David Ray Griffin's speech? I don't have cableTV, so I wasn't able to record it. Thanks again.

5:25 PM  
Blogger spooked said...

Here's his talk:

11:11 PM  

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