Humint Events Online: Does Al Qaeda Exist?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Does Al Qaeda Exist?

Does Al-Qaeda exist or not?- Several analysts tried to answer this question- But a previously published editorial on Pravda Website suggests that there’s no such thing as Al Qaeda- it doesn’t exist and never has.

The conclusion:
"Al Qaeda", if it really existed to anywhere near the extent that we have been told then there would have been another attack on the U.S. But unfortunately, the information we receive comes from two sides that both have great benefit in exaggerating Al Qaeda threat: tapes by the group’s members and the military and intelligence agencies that have great interest in maintaining the facade of an extremely dangerous terror cell.
This is basically my conclusion as well.

Great article overall!


Blogger Unknown said...

Al Qaeda supposedly means "The Base", more likely dBase as in the software used to keep tabs the "useful idiots". As Afghanistan is not a country with many mainframe computers or the skilled people to use them. The dBase is probably somewhere in America, maybe even in Virginia.

8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...maybe even in Maryland

hehe ;-P

1:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great. Now the Boys from the (Left) Fringe are claiming al Qaeda doesn't exist.

I swear. The only reason I hang around here is to see what the hell you morons come up with next! never *ever* let me down! lol

8:28 AM  
Blogger spooked said...

No one is saying Al Qaeda doesn't exist, pinch. The point is that they are not nearly the evil gang of masterminds the media and politicians have made them out to be.


The question is: what exactly is Al Qaeda?

My guess is the leaders are mainly intelligence operatives acting out a role, and the lower levels members are your typical patsies.

10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See: ARG's Al-CIA-duh Section

MSNBC: CIA "Arranged" for Passports for Al Qaeda Terrorists & Brought Them to the USA to Recruit for Jihads

1:31 PM  

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