Humint Events Online: If You Have Any Extra Cash

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

If You Have Any Extra Cash

Please throw some coinage at 911-blogger, who is raising money for advertising.

While I have thought about advertising this site, I think 911-blogger is a better site for newcomers than here. This site is more about 9/11 research than attracting "newbies". This may change, but for now, I want to keep this as more of an "advanced" 9/11 research site.

And yes, I gave some money myself to 911-blogger.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just "advanced" research, did you mean your chicken wire experiments? Or your highly detailed technical viewgraphs of plane crashes?

I'm serious. Define "advanced" for us, please.

12:07 PM  
Blogger spooked said...

By "advanced", I meant that I am trying to resolve technical details of what happened on 9/11. I am not currently making a comprehensive case for why 9/11 was "an inside job".

And I'm waiting for your experiment showing how the WTC fires caused the buildins to collapse the way they did. I'm also waiting for your explanation for how flight 93 burrowed completely into the ground but also blew up so powerfully that it disintegrated the plane and passengers into small pieces that were strewn over a several mile region.

2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't feed the SHILLS (aka: Pinch) Spooked! :-)

10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'll be waiting a long time if you are waiting for me to do "experiments". I have the sense to stay away from things where I have neither the a) background nor b) experience) nor c) technical training to try and conduct anything liks that. Something about not particularly wanting to appear a fool (better to keep your mouth shut than open it and remove all doubt).

Just out of curiosity, what is your background? Do you have any technical training in any field? Mechanics? Construction? Aerodynamics? You sure seem to claim a fair amount of expertise and knowledge through both your "experiments" and your posts of exact determination.

If you are just applying your interpretation of the "reasonable man's theory", fine. I'm just curious why you seem to "know" precisely what happened.

7:41 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

yvan eht noij yvan eht noij yvan eht noij

12:58 PM  
Blogger spooked said...

Perpetual-- Simpson's fan, eh?

Pinch-- I have scientific training, but I am not an engineer. I am mostly applying the "reasonable man's theory", as you put it.

I have NEVER claimed to know precisely what happened! The reason I set up this blog was to try to FIGURE OUT what happened. Now, by now, I have some strong guesses as to what happened, and sometimes I might write a post where I put out an idea as fact. But obviously I don't know exactly what happened, I can only make reasonable guesses.

10:49 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

spooked, you got that right. the simpsons is my favourite mockumentary about life in america. i even had a bart tattoo done way back in 1990. almost time to get it redone as the colour is fading.

7:38 PM  

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