Humint Events Online: How Do Bush Supporters/Official 9/11 Story Believers Rationalize Condi Rice's Post-911 Statements?

Saturday, January 28, 2006

How Do Bush Supporters/Official 9/11 Story Believers Rationalize Condi Rice's Post-911 Statements?

These ones:

"I don't think anybody could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile," said national security adviser Condoleeza Rice on May 16, 2002.

"I don't think anyone could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and smash it into the World Trade Centre," said by Condoleezza Rice on May 19, 2002.

Given that she was the NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR BEFORE 9/11 AND WHAT SHE SAID WAS SIMPLY WRONG (that the US Military had drilled this exact scenario before 9/11, there were pre-9/11 warnings of such a thing happening and someone had in fact crashed a plane into the White House in 1994), there are only two choices here:

a) she was lying

b) she was clueless

These are your only two options, considering she was NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR.

If you think she was LYING, WHY was she lying about this?

If you think she was clueless, why wasn't she fired immediately after 9/11? Why was she promoted to Secretary of State and remained very close to Bush?

I'd really like to hear someone's explanation for this.


Blogger Unknown said...

Maybe the author of this post should be the National Security Advisor.

If A 707 Hit The World Trade Center?...

From United States, joined Jan 2000, 5502 posts, RR: 11
Posted Thu Nov 30 2000 04:39:15 UTC+1 and read 173555 times:

When the two towers that make up the World Trade Center were built, they were designed to withstand the impact of the largest airliner of the day, the Boeing 707 Intercontinental. The Empire State Building survived a B-25 medium bomber crashing into it on very foggy day. It was during the weekend when most people weren't there, but still, 14 people died.

Anyone wanna bet that the World Trade Center could survive an 767-300 impact?

Don't steal, the government hates competition


7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also see:

* Condoleezza Rice Warned Sept. 6 About Imminent Terror Attack

* Search Operation Bojinka


The purpose of the three-day secret terror conference, which was monitored by the Malaysian secret police at the CIA's request, was to discuss details of how the hijackers should train and hide in the United States and how the attacks should be carried out.

3:17 AM  
Blogger spooked said...

Okay, thanks guys!

Any administration defenders out there?

There's got to be SOMEONE who can defend this shit, right? After all, there's always SOME poor lackey willing to defend all the shit the Bush administration does.

12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frank A. De Martini: Manager, WTC Construction & Project Management. Missing since 9/11/01 - Recorded 01/25/01

"The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it, that was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building could probably sustain multiple impacts of jet liners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door, this intense grid, and the jetplane is just a pencil puncturing that screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting."

There goes the idea that the supposed "Plane" impacts (I personally now have come to believe NO large commericial airlines struck the Twin Towers) could have ever done enough damage structurally to result in the complete collapse of the towers (and at free-fall speed I'll happily remind everyone). ;-)

12:58 PM  

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