Humint Events Online: Ugh

Tuesday, July 11, 2006



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me see if I can get ahead of the Spook-Cycle on this one:

Bush/CIA-cause in order to increase tensions between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, watching the two nations lunge towards a nuclear confrontation, just so Bush the Peacemaker can step in and save the world from annihilation. Voila, his approval ratings skyrocket just in time for the Nov elections, further entrenching the Republicans in the House and Senate, further marginalizing a fractured Democratic party that is rife with in-fighting.

Or was there a pipline there somewhere I missed? So Cheney can get more contracts for Halliburton, lining his already-amply lined pockets with more blood money from subjugating oil-rich yet politically naive recovering-third-world nations into his nefarious plans?

Help me out here, Spook.

12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is all a big fake. The trains were fired on by f-14's ordered by Bush. It is so obvious, I can't understand why everyone doesn't see it.

1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is al-Qaeda giving Bush a warning. If Bush pulls out of Iraq and leaves al-Qaeda alone, they will leave the rest of the world alone. All al-Qaeda wants is for the world to live in peace. Yet Bush does not want that.

1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow al qaeda hates bush and wanted to send him a message so they blew up india - excellent reason for continuing the occupation of iraq.

4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know spooked, the sooner you stop questioning and pointing out things that you are not meant to understand or even know about, the sooner you can give up the tin-foil underpants! ha ha

4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha, James! We all WANT Spooked to keep questioning things! In his own unique way, of course. Haven't you read all the comments? We are all waiting, eagerly, with bated breath, for his next experiment and his next diagram. Perhaps he can take on this global conspiracy on why a heavier-than-air aircraft actually DOES fly - forget about crashing into a building - I mean seriously, a combination of aluminum and steed and titanium and wires and rubber and all, weighing however many thousands of pounds, actually getting off the ground? and STAYING off? Now THERE'S a conspiracy that needs to be looked into! After that - why boats float when they are made of steel, and everyone KNOWS steel sinks in water.

5:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

pinch, is there any chance that you will address your delusions concerning your fight against socialism, when you yourself are a socialist? Are you a 5th column infiltrator? Manchurian Candidate?

Enquiring minds want to know.

BTW, riddle me this pinch, in the office of which former Republican Congressman was a dead aide found in 2001?

Bet you don't know for the fact that the "vast rightwing conspiracy" was trying to tie an intern's disappearance to Condit that whole summer.

6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pinch is a joke. His frequency here as of late has increased but the quality of his arguments and remarks have remained unconstructive, malformed, and meaningless.

We are all waiting, eagerly, with bated breath, for his next experiment and his next diagram.

Oh really pinch? You paint a foggy picture of the physical world, ranting about why heavy aircraft fly and steel boats float, but forget most people do understand some simple physics concepts already. Ever heard of bouyancy? Understand the concept of lift, flyboy? What purpose do your remarks serve other than to illustrate your inability to debate and argue your POV, without immediately jumping to insults and derogatory comments?

Did you forget where we left off last time, instabitch?

6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't you read all the comments?

why, you just come across as oh-so genuine that i only read your comments pinch! like this one:

I mean seriously, a combination of aluminum and steed and titanium and wires and rubber and all, weighing however many thousands of pounds

you forgot plastic. a 767 nosecone is made of a composite plastic. of course when it's filled with delicate electronics it becomes a veritable indestructible battering ram. maybe if the wtc had been constructed of plastic and the 767 nosecone of massive hardened steel box columns, then the building would have destroyed the plane.

8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah shep, you almost got it:
What purpose do your remarks serve other than to illustrate your inability to debate and argue your POV,
the whole point to pinch' insults and derogatory comments is to disguise the fact that re: 911, he has NO POV.

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol...methinks Spook and his Minions are a bit put-out by all the attention of late!

And you, Sheppherd, you crack me up. Whatever plaything you had that was taken away from you that resulted in your finding your way here is really a travesty of immense proportions. I do so hope you get it back.

And you are wrong about the "quality" of my arguement - I don't argue here, dipshit. I'd just as soon argue with a tree stump - I'd get a better debate. ALl I do here is heap derision and scorn upon idiot moonbats who have no fucking clue whatsoever about anything unless they can put a "George Bush Did It!" in front of it.

Helluva scientific method. You guys keep on keepin' on!

9:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

pinch said, And you are wrong about the "quality" of my arguement - I don't argue here, dipshit. I'd just as soon argue with a tree stump - I'd get a better debate. ALl I do here is heap derision and scorn upon idiot moonbats who have no fucking clue whatsoever about anything unless they can put a "George Bush Did It!" in front of it.

I for one don't support the 'bush/cheney did it' meme, but from your position pinch, i would think that you would prefer that bush did do it, because at least that would explain how a bunch of retards that I wouldn't trust with a potatoe gun, outsmarted the combined, multi trillion dollar budgets for manpower and infrastructure of; the CIA, the ONI, the DIA, the NSA, the FBI, the FAA, the INS, NORAD (or as I like to call them No-Radar-oN) etc. to name a few. Not to mention the TOTAL INCOMPETENCE of your fellow welfare princesses in arms, the U.S. Military.

Hey what a great idea, let's give all those that FAILED their sworn duty to protect America, bigger budgets to ensure that they have an incentive to allow an even bigger 'failure' to secure even bigger budgets in the future.

Wow what awesome socialist logic! Reward those that are incompetent as long as they tow the party line. Sounds like a few banana republics that I have read about. Hmmm, come to think of it, didn't they do the same thing in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as well?

10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

scientific method? pinch, i don't think you'd be able to see the scientific method if hit you in the face.

any else see Spooked's fouled scientific reasoning? troll through the archives - there are plenty of posts to read see for yourself.

start with the hypothesis, and see where the evidence leads..

10:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Webster Tarpley podcast from 3.25.06 with Nico Haupt and Jeff King

thats how i 'found my way here'

10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

see? pinch has NO POV.

11:12 PM  
Blogger spooked said...

You know what Pinch? If it makes you feel good to laugh at us, go right ahead. I'm sure laughing is so much easier than actually taking any of this seriously and dealing with the implications.

I don't claim to be 100% right (and that coat hanger and pot experiment was just for fun, kind of an inside joke with a friend, so it's fine to make fun of it)-- but here's the deal, even if I'm only right about 1 in 20, or even 1 in 100 things that I've written about here, there still is enough evidence here to blow apart 9/11.

I don't know what your game is, Pinch. I know you're not stupid in the normal sense. Most likely you are a govt shill or you are in complete pathological denial, or both.

But-- go ahead and laugh. I'm sure it makes you feel so much better. It certainly is easier than contemplating what your fellow Americans did on 9/11.

11:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...even if I'm only right about 1 in 20, or even 1 in 100..."

Wow. Just like spam. Throw enough shit out there and some fool will be dumb enough to jump onboard. The 911 Spam Senders. Your ISP should be Nigerian.

What's my game here? To keep shining light on the most idiotic, dumbest, insensitive, hateful and craziest bunch of lunatic moonbat morons I have ever encountered in my life.

And yes, I do laugh quite a bit with your foolishness, but more often I just shake my head with a resignation that unfortunately we do have your kind out there, and the Net does nothing but give you an easy forum to spew this bile.

6:50 AM  
Blogger spooked said...

Wow. Just like spam. Throw enough shit out there and some fool will be dumb enough to jump onboard. The 911 Spam Senders. Your ISP should be Nigerian.

Wow, you really have a reading comprehension and logic problem.

If I'm right, it means I am RIGHT that 9/11 was an inside job! It doesn't mean that it is bullshit. What is so hard to understand about that? But beyond that, I think the odds are MUCH greater than 1 in 100 that I am right.

What's my game here? To keep shining light on the most idiotic, dumbest, insensitive, hateful and craziest bunch of lunatic moonbat morons I have ever encountered in my life.

I am actually quite a loving, sensitive and caring person. That's why I do this-- because I care. The idiotic and crazy part is all in the eye of the beholder.

And yes, I do laugh quite a bit with your foolishness, but more often I just shake my head with a resignation that unfortunately we do have your kind out there, and the Net does nothing but give you an easy forum to spew this bile.

Well thanks for giving me a larger forum. :)

10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

even if I'm only right about 1 in 20, or even 1 in 100 things that I've written about here, there still is enough evidence here to blow apart 9/11.

for whatever it's worth i agree.

What's my game here? To keep shining light on the most idiotic, dumbest, insensitive, hateful and craziest bunch of lunatic moonbat morons I have ever encountered in my life.

in the 8 months or so that i've been reading this blog pinch has yet to take a stand. he has neither spoken in support of the official 19 morons theory nor against it. and he has not once said that the images of ua175 smoothly vanishing into the side of wtc2 are either ordinary or out of the ordinary.
he has stated no POV for the record on the issue of 911.
he has however as much as admitted to his personal stake here: What's my game here?
it is a game to him, whether he is paid for such or for his own amusement. it is the same either way.

12:48 PM  

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