Humint Events Online: Homing In on the 9/11 Media Perps

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Homing In on the 9/11 Media Perps

Kai Simonsen looks like a prime suspect.

An excellent find by "Still Diggin'"!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the military manuals on Deception Operations they stress tight integration and centralized control, so it makes a lot of sense that the "eyewitnesses" interviewed on TV were carefully chosen and sticking fast to the script.

It also makes a lot of sense that the team would be communicating with each other to make sure things came off flawlessly, hence the ringing phones and radios squawks in the background.

I wonder how many of these guys are willing to go to Jail to take a fall for Dick Cheney (answer: zero). We don't have many G Gordon Liddy types left, and I don't think 9/11 perps are going to be welcome in Europe. They may just get what they have coming after all. It's going to be mighty difficult for Dick Cheney to shoot all these guys in the face, isn't it?

I can just hear those guys thinking, "hey, we were promised no one would ever find out!"

They'd better buddy up with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Grassley mighty fast, or they're going to be sitting next to Saddam, KSM, Abramoff, Cheney, and Rumsfeld.

Look what they did to Valerie Plame! This Cheney administration has no respect for the Clandestine Service! She was risking her life under non-official cover. They're certainly not going to stand-up for low-level covert operators and proprietaries. Even Bohringer is locked up. The foot soldiers had better come forward and cut deals now or else they're going to be totally, totally screwed. I doubt they're even safe in Afghanistan. I don't think they'd be safe in a barracks full of Marines.

It's not going to be like it was with Ollie North. NYC is not Nicaragua. Your only hope is to go public, and be the American hero that takes down the rest.

This new research from Still Diggin is a gold mine of smoking guns!

The attackers had a five year head start. Now they had better re-think their backstops. It's all unravelling and there will be no place to hide. They can't even trust each other anymore.


1:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure that not all of the Fox news reporters could have been involved--that would have been too many people. That's, I believe, the strongest argument against 9/11 conspiracies, that hundreds of people would have to be involved in deception. Of course, the truth is, only a few people needed to be involved, regardless which theory you support: disseminate a fake video and use a superweapon or make sure the planes flew into the wtc via remote control, set up detonation.

An interesting thought-- Recently, there have been several cases where muslim "terrorists" have been caught in the US. The majority of these cases involved the CIA/FBI basically encouraging muslims to purchase weapons and develop terror plots. Once the targetted muslims did this, they were arrested. It wasn't exactly entrapment, but more like encouragement and support--how many of these people would have actually conducted terrorist acts? Probably very few. But my thought is that what if, similarly, the US(through covert operatives) convinced Al Qaeda that this was a feasible plan, while giving them the technological support, and, unbeknownst to Al Q, setting up explosives for a smooth detonation? Thoughts, spooked?

3:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Spook! Thanks, bud! Your new scale model blog of the WTC has given me nearly 2,000 hits the last 2 and a half days! Yoru idiocy is speading, thanks to the Instapinch!

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol, way to go Pinch! 2000 hits in 3 days, that's amazing! That's almost 0.0% of the American internet audience!

The pro-mass-murder blogs are totally backfiring. They don't have any facts at their disposal. It's no wonder the number of people who believe the official story has plummeted since they started the fake blogging.

Way to go Pinch, Smasher, and Swot of Truth! You've quadrupled the number of people who think the Bush Administration caused 9/11.

I think everyone who wants to see a real investigation owes a big debt of gratitude to the idiots who run the conspiracy smasher gang. I guess they just don't have the budget to hire competent shills. I guess the only other reasonable explanation would be that they're so blind that they're not fake blogs but that they're run by the 16% who still can't see anything wrong with the offical propaganda!

Meanwhile, the noose keeps tightening around the 9/11 perpetrators. The dollar's getting pretty weak. It's going to be hard for them to start new lives in exile. Of course, it's that or hang for treason. Tsk tsk.

2:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pinch, please thank Jeff B. for me. I estimated this would cost $500 million, but Jeff B thinks it can be done for $100 million.

"I’m beginning to think we should waste some $100 Mil worth of Federal Tax dollars to actually build the top 30 floors or so of a full scale mock WTC in the barren Utah desert, fill it with furniture, the same stuff as the real building, etc. and then remote control fly an old jetliner into it, fully fueled and watch what would happen, just to shut up the Truthers once and for all."

Fully fueled would not be accurate. Half-fueled is about right.

2:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We could save even more money by just having them model WTC 7. Next time someone wants to demolish an office building, let's put some diesel generators in a boiler room, start a few isolated fires around 10 in the morning and see if it suddenly falls before 5pm.

Heck, we might even be able to make some money off of it. What does a controlled demo usually cost? We could charge them half-price.

I'd even be willing to let Pinch and Smasher tell us where to light the fires for maximum impact.

How about it, Conspiracy Pincher? Want to make a little money in the controlled demolition business? You can front the money for the fuel, and keep all the money you make if the building falls into its own footprint. What a wonderful business opportunity! We'll put the explosive manufacturers and demolition engineers out of business!


3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pinch, you're still hanging in there old buddy! kudos to the master of deflection; pinch!

4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish instapinch would do us all a favor, and jump into a volcano...
then he could get a sense for "pyroclastic flow"...if he isn't cointelpro, he sure acts like it...spooks protect the perps...happy holidays and thanks to all the people who're really trying to find out the truth...let's hope the spooks and perps just get coal in their stockings this holiday season...and let's hope 2007 brings them to justice,...if they don't spiral us into another horrible war (because of another false-flag, state terror Psy-Op)...

2:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Volcanoes don't exist. You can't prove to him that they exist. Just like stealth technology doesn't exist. Beam weapons don't exist. But TV News, now that's real!

3:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once I get the content right I'll try to clean it up. The version I upload tonight won't be clean, but it is starting to look like something.

Murphy's law is in full effect...


1:47 AM  

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