Humint Events Online: Iraq

Saturday, December 09, 2006


Here are some key questions:

1) why exactly did we invade Iraq (was it some reason that wasn't given or a combination of different reasons)?

2) why didn't we have a plan for nation building if indeed, we wanted to do nation building (or conversely, why did we say we were going to do nation-building if we clearly had no such intention?)? Did we truly to INTEND to create a failed state in Iraq?

3) do we intend to build permanent bases there?

4) what is exactly keeping us from declaring victory and going home?

Some balance sheets--

If we stay:

Iraqis will continue to kill each other
Iraqis will continue to kill Americans
Americans will continue shoveling money into a hole
Domestic politics will be pre-occupied with the war and what to do about it

If we leave:
Iraqis will kill each other for some time until stability is attained
The US will lose a major middle east military base
Americans lives will be saved
US taxpayer dollars will be saved
People will be forced to start looking at what we did in Iraq, why we went in there, and even start to look at 9/11 more carefully


Blogger Unknown said...


I think you need to back up a few steps away from Iraq and survey the World Situation from both a moral and pragmatic viewpoint.

I don't claim that the following will work as rhetoric to persuade or win arguments, especially with flag wavers, but I still think a retreat to clarity has a purpose here.

Start out by answering the following question (which I think only has 2 reasonable answers):

1) What was 9/11?

A) It was a Pearl Harbor type of U. S. Shadow govt. operation that was made to happen because some very wise men and women looked into the future and saw horrendous chaos and the decline in American Hegemony if an artificial event did not provide a lever to mobilize the Western Powers and provide a clear moral basis or mythology to sell policies that would never fly otherwise.

B) It was a gangsta operation, supported by Saudi Arabia, Israel, US Elite, Multinational Corporations, Multinational Crime Joints, US Spy Orgs, FBI....

Unless you choose answer A), then the clear follow up is that 9/11 is a completion of a Coup of sorts, and every action performed by the Exec. Branch since 9/11 is a fraud.

When you have a fraudulent junta running the show, the first thing that has to be done (consistent with National Security) is to withdraw all support for the illegal actions of the Junta.

Therefore; the case for leaving Iraq immediately, with due diligence and concern for human life, is overwhelming.

1:29 PM  
Blogger spooked said...

bg, well put. I agree with you totally. The questions are still worthwhile, I think.

7:18 AM  

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