Flight 93 Crater Thread at DU
I've been trying for about a week to convince the resident skeptics (and likely operatives) that it is very unlikely that a Boeing 757 crashed in this crater:

Feel free to chime in at DU. I could use some help fighting the skeptics.
I've been trying for about a week to convince the resident skeptics (and likely operatives) that it is very unlikely that a Boeing 757 crashed in this crater:

Feel free to chime in at DU. I could use some help fighting the skeptics.
Feel free to chime in at DU. I could use some help fighting the skeptics.
i had every intention of chiming in over there because there is absolutely no way that a 757 plunged into the ground like a lawn dart and buried itself in that stupid campfire of a hole that in all actuality is smaller than some holes that i have dug all by myself with nothing more than a shovel but i started to pay more attention to the comments that were being made about this alleged phenomenon and i realized that these DU phony opposition commentors are nothing more than polite versions of the pinch my sword gang. they are already fully aware of how ridiculous the govt/mcmedia 911 fairytale is. notice that they don't try to explain or justify or even defend even a single iota of it, but rather they distract and change the subject.
ponder this: why is there never ever any comments anywhere that use scientific analyses to explain or simply support the obvious pack of lies that is the official bushco 9/11 fairytale?
i know all about phony opposition because i spent a good 2 years trying to convince the phony opposition davidcorn.com commentors that 9/11 was an obvious inside job. ultimately my refusal to just shut up about it resulted in corn's discontinuation of his comment section entirely. how ironic that he had told me that his blog received upwards of 10k hits per day and yet he would still discontinue the comment section.
really, would you waste even a single moment trying to convince the 911blogger.com phony opposition of anything? the dem undergrounds are no different from the davidcorns or the 911bloggers.
spooked my friend, you are just spinning your wheels if you are seriously trying to convince those guys. the fact that they seem to need constant convincing should speak for itself.
your time would be better served enjoying your family, playing your piano and continuing this very blog which IMO is one of the few real 9/11 blogs.
fuck you pinch and kiss my ass sword of truth!
i am james ha and i am getting too old for this shit.
You're right james. I know it's futile. Actually, my only REALISTIC reason to do it was to keep the flight 93 crater at the top of the list for a while so maybe some other people would see it who aren't ops. I think the crater is about as obvious of a 9/11 smoking gun as there is, and if it doesn't convince anyone something funny happened, I don't know what will.
I guess I did have some fantasy about being able to finally beat the ops into submission, but they will never give in. They will just go away and get someone else to waste your time.
The scary thing about spending too much time with the DU ops is that they have almost a soporific effect of making you to start to doubt all your conclusions about everything OR making you just not care anymore. Like it's all futile.
As far as keeping the blog going, I don't know how many times I've thought about shutting it down because it takes so much time. But something always keeps me going. The comments help a lot. Otherwise I feel like I am talking to a wall sometimes.
Spooked, you're not talking to a wall, but your are up against a wall of opposition from the movement. The 'problem' with your blog is that you're a thorn in the side of the movement and everyone who wants forget about 9/11 oddities and settle for another 'independent investigation'.
The tactic is all the same for the detractors regardless if you're at 911blogger and at DU.
Rinse, Wash, Repeat.
really, would you waste even a single moment trying to convince the 911blogger.com phony opposition of anything?
No, but I still take a stab at it once in a blue moon. I mean, it's impossible for the entire crew over there to be plants and regardless if your points are just being shot down by Albanese et al, most likely your comments/arguments are still being read by someone legit. I came here from 911blogger after waking up and realizing the entire site was crap and I imagine other people are will realize who is legit and who is not and what questions they should be asking. Err, perhaps not...
Ningen has done a great job debating at 911blogger. At -10 points, his comments are easy to find because he's hurting the movement where it counts ;-) And he gets the same treatment we've all gotten from the 'open minds' at 911blogger.
Spooked, keep up the great work and please keep up the blog!
yes, please do not give up this blog spooked - this blog is a breath of fresh air in the miasmic smog of 9/11 "truth".
maybe you are beating your head against a wall but at least here on your own blog it is worthwhile.
realize that there is no scientific defense of even a single aspect of the bushco story or it would be thrown in your face here on your blog. it has not and it will not be.
kiss my ass david corn and blow me 911bloggers!
Feel free to chime in at DU. I could use some help fighting the skeptics.
There are skeptics at DU? Whodathunkit?
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