"The ManCHOrian Candidate"

(full credit to "anonymous physicist" for the term)
I see CHO has his own wikipedia entry already.
All the signs of being a programmed-suicide-killer-patsy are there.
-- hints of child abuse (in his play)
-- apparent mental illness and psychiatric medication
-- family emigrated to US for unclear reasons
-- family lives near spookville (DC)
-- family very poor but older sister manages to get into Princeton
-- sister now works (Iraq contractor?) for the State Department
-- Cho angry quiet loner stereotype
-- Cho aware of other conpsiracies and mass killings (by his writings)
-- apparent programming code words (Ishmail Ax)
-- Cho clearly trained to shoot guns and to kill
The incredibly effective killing for one gunman, the confused intitial stories and false leads, the pictures and videos sent to the media, the frequent references in the media to 9/11, and the link to Judy Wood all also clearly indicate a PSY-OP.
I don't think we can rule out a second gunman in similar dress to Cho that did some or most of the killing-- with Cho primarily being a patsy. There is evidence for another Asian-looking shooter.
And I still wonder why no student tried to attack Cho from behind, hit him with a heavy backpack or something. Officially Cho was going to one class and another and another, shooting over a hundred shots. Couldn't a student in one class that Cho left have come up from behind? It's almost as if the students were paralyzed by fear in some way. Of the hundred people who must have been there, there wasn't ONE GUY willing to be a hero?
WHAT link to Judy Wood? The fact that this took place at VT? Oh my aching side and body!
You are one weird dude, man. Weird as in seriously fucked-up weird.
You left off your list that Cho had opposable thumbs, thereby enabling him to grasp a handgun with ease.
The rest of your "list" makes as much sense.
yes judy wood is affiliated with the very engineering dept that was rampaged @ VT by cho - this dept was studying fluid mechanics and "how airplanes fly".
michael zebuhr - another coincidence.
judy wood aside, the official govt/media 9/11 fairytale is one giant "coincidence" after another. is it not?
how many coincidences does it take for some of you to even raise an eyebrow re: 9/11?
Only a fucktard could make sense of your "list"...
Maybe if Pinch, Sword, and Reno all commit suicide on the same day that will be a coincidence too.
This is an interesting coincidence - Virginia police and Virginia Tech part of military's homeland defense experimentation.
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