Yes, Fire Can Weaken Steel

I never claimed otherwise:
OAKLAND, Calif. - A stretch of highway near the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge collapsed Sunday after a gasoline tanker crashed and burst into flames, leaving one of the nation's busiest spans in a state of near paralysis.
Officials said traffic could be disrupted for months. Flames shot 200 feet in the air and the heat was intense enough to melt part of the freeway and cause the collapse, but the truck's driver walked away from the scene with second-degree burns. No other injuries were reported.
What is very weird is just a month back or so, I posted on a similar fire where the overpass DIDN'T collapse, and I made special note of that fact.
NOW, we have an example where there is a collapse!
Isn't that special? It's almost as if someone was reading this site and was determined to prove me wrong.
In any case, I'm sure the govt shills will look to this story and feel very vindicated! Fire weakens steel and causes collapse!
Perhaps so.
It is worth noting however, that the bridge BELOW the collapsing overpass didn't collapse from the impact of the tons of mass of the upper overpass falling on it.
Now THAT hardly supports the official story, does it?
Of course, comparing a bridge collapse to a tower collapse is fraught with difficulties anyway. I doubt that will stop the government shills though.
(If one wants to think this story is not quite on the level, I find it odd the driver was able to walk away from such a terrible crash and fire.)
But Spooked, why didn't it turn to dust? I thought that when steel and concrete structures collapse due to fire, the gravity makes the concrete and turn into a fine powder, and the steel vaporizes. Was the fuel in that tanker very different from jet fuel? Did it burn at a very different temperature? I just don't understand why that overpass didn't turn to dust and vaporize. Help me understand! Is it because no CNN animated plane hit the overpass?
good one fred!
hey this was a real fire - 8600 gals of gasoline burning in one concentrated spot.
real jet fuel is merely kerosene, which didn't even burn the paint off my wheelbarrow when i tried to melt it in a controlled experiment.
as if kerosene could cause even a single piece of a wtc to fail when it didn't even scorch edna cintron's hair!
DailyKos has a diary about this:
I'm sorry, but your comparison of the bridge overpass not bringind down the bridge below it is full of problems... I'm not sure why I'm even posting this. You won't add it to your site, and it won't help you get over your delusions, but whatever. Here's an attempt to help you back to sanity:
The overpass would be far heavier than a single floor of the WTC - built to hold 100's of times more weight than any single floor of the WTC. Heavy though it would be, it could not possibly weigh as much as 10 or more stories of the WTC above the crash sites. Comprendo? I didn't think so, but it was worth the shot.
I bet a lot of the more sane conspiracy theorist nuts will be shutting down now that this freeway accident ruins the story. ; )
"Isn't that special? It's almost as if someone was reading this site and was determined to prove me wrong."
That's right, Spook. Someone at the special CIA department charged with monitoring your blog decided to prove you wrong. This accident was staged all for the express purpose of proving you wrong.
Boy, what a perceptive guy you are.
"What is very weird is just a month back or so, I posted on a similar fire where the overpass DIDN'T collapse, and I made special note of that fact.
NOW, we have an example where there is a collapse!
Isn't that special? It's almost as if someone was reading this site and was determined to prove me wrong."
The implication that this was done to prove you wrong is the most hilariously self-involved statement of the week. You have a handful of readers - why would we care?
The overpass would be far heavier than a single floor of the WTC - built to hold 100's of times more weight than any single floor of the WTC. Heavy though it would be, it could not possibly weigh as much as 10 or more stories of the WTC above the crash sites. Comprendo? I didn't think so, but it was worth the shot.
Well... let's see, the overpass was heavy and strong, 100X stronger than any floor of the WTC according to you. So that would make it more comparable to the ten floors of the WTC above the crash site, wouldn't it?
Not to mention that the 10 floors above the crash didn't fall as one compact mass-- they would have impacted one floor at a time, and that impact could either destroy the structure upwards or destroy the floor downwards, but not do both-- very quickly anyway. Since lower floors are always stronger than upper floors, I say the lower floor won the collision between the floors.
You have a handful of readers - why would we care?
Who is this "we"?
And who is to say that those handful of readers aren't extremely powerful?
again; this 8600 gal gasoline truck/overpass was a real fire, not a pretend fire such as both of the wtc had.
it isn't so surprising that this fwy overpass collapsed.
it was very surprising to see each wtc just sort of dissolve completely into powder in only 10 seconds each.
The government shills here are desperately weak and refering to themselves as "we" now. Classic. The must know their cause is hopeless. In the next administration they'll be sent to jail for collaboration. Imagine what that will be like for them when people take reprisals-- the shills are weak and and their treason won't go unpunished.
""In the next administration they'll be sent to jail for collaboration""
i don't believe that - i think that the next admin will simply be an extension of this one.
"this 8600 gal gasoline truck/overpass was a real fire, not a pretend fire such as both of the wtc had."
You cocksucking moron! Tell that to the families of the jumpers who leapt to their death as a superior option to burning to death. You people are fucking evil...
reno, watch your mouth young man.
if we were to meet in person i would most certainly cram a bar of soap down your throat.
you don't know why any people actually leapt to their death any more than i do.
if you say that the wtc fires were more than pretend fires then perhaps you would be so kind as to post a link to photos of them.
!conspiracy smasher! has posted a link to photos of ms. edna cintron who was filmed standing on the exact spot where a 767 was alleged to have hit and where the fire was allegedly so hot that it caused the imminent demise of that tower. (see: comment #2 above).
h is for ha! you punk-ass!
look at this close-up vid of wtc2 being rendered completely into dust!
it only took 10 seconds for this to occur: POOF!
talk about evil cocksucking morons!
"you don't know why any people actually leapt to their death any more than i do."
Exactly! Perhaps all those jumpers were "in on it"? In fact, I've never seen any video of them landing - I suspect that they were teleported away at the last moment and are now living in area 51. Prove that I'm wrong!
"""I suspect that they were teleported away at the last moment and are now living in area 51. Prove that I'm wrong!"""
no. you prove that there actually were any jumpers. you should as well prove that there were any fires in either wtc.
"prove that there actually were any jumpers."
Thanks for making my point fucktard...
so your point is that there weren't really any jumpers?
you guys are the real fucktards and have no real evidence for even 1 aspect of the official 9/11 fairytail that you are still licking.......
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