Friday, June 22, 2007
Previous Posts
- Revised My Top Post
- In Striking Turnabout, Bush Declares His "War on T...
- Significant Amounts of WTC1 and WTC2 Debris Still ...
- WPE Watch
- Sign of the Apocalypse
- Pet Peeve: People Who Don't Button Their Button-Do...
- Conspicuous In Its Absence
- Yet Another Reason Why Giuliani Is a Disgusting Man
- WTC7 Debris and Sub-basement Levels
- Load 'O Crap
Recommended Reading
- The "Ultimate List" of Improbabilities and Coincidences Around 9/11
- Manifesto for All Present and Future Military Personnel
- The Nine Circles of Conspiracy
- Ultimate Truths (Deep Conspiracy)
- Nuclear Demolition of the WTC
- China Syndrome at the WTC
- Dead 9/11 Whistleblowers
- Bogus Official 9/11 Science
- Anonymous Physicist's book site
- 120 Reasons for the No-Plane Theory
- People Who Should Have Seen UA175 Hit the South Tower But Didn't
- 9/11: All Roads Lead to MIHOP
- 9/11: Possible Versus Impossible
- Ghost Gun UA175
- Morgan Reynolds, We Have Holes
- Hunt the Boeing, Shanksville Edition
- Hunt the Boeing, WTC2 Edition
- The No Planes Evidence Kit
- Why Don't More Engineers Question the WTC Collapses?
- Evidence of advanced fusion devices at the WTC
- The Problem with the 9/11 "Truth" Movement
- Brainwashed, In Deep Denial, A Government Shill, Or Some Combination of the Three
- 9/11
- 9/11 blog
- International Center for 9/11 Studies - NIST Cumulus Video Database
- 9/11 "U"
- Killtown's Overview Site
- Killtown's 9/11 Smoking Guns
- Killtown's 2nd Hit Video Compilation
- Killtown's NIST figure gallery
- Morgan Reynolds
- The 9/11 Airplane Video Composites
- Ace Baker
- Killtown's Blog
- Genghis' 911 Taboo
- Ningen's Blog
- 9/11 Truthlings Watch
- Judy Wood's 9/11 site (focuses on WTC demolition)
- 9/11 Logic
Interesting and/or Useful 9/11 Sites
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My Other Blogs
- WTC Demolition
- WTC China Syndrome
- 33 Watch
- Al-CIA-duh
- Ghost Plane
- Flight 93 Hoax
- Pentagon Hit
- The AIG Scam
- Bush Administration War Criminals
- Fake Opposition Democrats
Some of My Findings Regarding the Attack on the WTC South Tower
- Summary of Evidence for No Plane at the South Tower
- Clearest Evidence of Conflicting Plane Paths in Two Different 2nd Hit Videos
- Freak Plane
- The Curious Plane in the "Live" Video
- Too Small of a Plane in Both "Live" 2nd Hit Videos
- Mutant Tail Section on UA175
- Evidence of 2nd Hit Video Fakery
- Proof that the engine part at Church and Murray Street is not from UA175, a Boeing 767
- 9/11 Blimp
- 9/11 Blogger
- 9/11 Closeup (Gerard Holmgren)
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- Conspicuous Plot
- Conspiracy Smasher!!!
- 9/11 Cover-Up
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- Tom Flocco
- Rense
- "The New Pearl Harbor, Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11" by David Ray Griffin
- "The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions" by David Ray Griffin
- 9/11 Revealed by Rowland Morgan and Ian Henshall
- "9/11 Synthetic Terror, Made in USA" by Webster G. Tarpley
- "The Terror Timeline" by Paul Thompson
- "Crossing the Rubicon" by Michael C. Ruppert
- "Welcome to Terrorland" by Daniel Hopsicker
- Pig Lipstick
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- Salon
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- The Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas
- The Oil Drum
- Land of Black Gold
- Life After the Oil Crash
- Richard Heinberg
- Grist
- 9/11 was a conspiracy, as it involved several people conspiring to commit a crime. The official 9/11 narrative, as codified by the 9/11 Commission Report, is NOT proven as the most likely explanation for the events of 9/11/01. The official 9/11 story is therefore a theory. This means that the OFFICIAL 9/11 Story is really a "CONSPIRACY THEORY"!
- I have no fondness for any religion, as I think it makes people do extreme and violent things. Islamic terrorists do exist and I detest them as much as I detest the true perpetrators of 9/11. Most likely Islamic terrorists were used as patsies in 9/11, as part of a highly organized covert operation by a group affiliated with the US goverment and US military.
More 9/11 Links (Note: I present a wide variety of 9/11 sites here for the purposes of diversity. I leave it up to you to judge their content.)
General 9/11 Sites
9/11 Activism
9/11 Specialty Sites
Sites that question 9/11 (who views on 9/11 may differ greatly from those presented here)
Good Intro Books to Alternative 9/11 Truth
Blogs, News Sites and Miscellaneous Links

How about my colon? Bound to find an alien life form or two in there.
{its a subscription site}
in 1899 a small figurine was found while drilling in Nampa Idaho
it appears 2 million yrs old HUH??
humanity is way older than the lies sold by the high priests of modern science
and that is NOT sci fi
ya no doubt about that, 9:38!
it would be nice if even one of you morons even once suggested even one alternative train of thought but i guess that is just too much to ask for...
Alternative train of thought? With a bunch of rocket scientists who think the moon is fake, aliens run earth, nukes were used to take down the towers, no planes flew around and hit them, Destructo beams from space were used, etc?
How about this, then, sport!
The moon is real, aliens are an unproven possibility, two airplanes hit the twin towers causing structural damage and fire which weakened the supporting steel structures causing them to fall.
So, you on board? Or do I have to go back to describing my colon, which is on a par with Spooky's other topics.
funny we haven't heard anything from Admiral Pinch lately. as a Navy pilot, he must know or at least heard one or two things about UFOs.
or at least if Mr. Pinch is showing up here, he is not identifying himself anymore.
i like how you guys keep saying that we think that the moon is fake despite our saying repeatedly that the moon is obviously right there in the sky.
so planes really hit the towers?
as if!
""hit the twin towers causing structural damage and fire which weakened the supporting steel structures causing them to fall.""
tower didn't fall
probably you should just stick to describing your colon...
My colon is the most interesting thing to be discussed on this page.
dude, there's no alien agenda...
there's an IMF-PNAC-CIA kind of agenda which operates in the interest of big oil, war profiteers, drug cartels, corporations...
"Gold Oil Drugs---GOD" that's a quote from Mike Ruppert, he's a wacky guy but i think that basically sums it up.
if you look at the major influence the anti-globalization movement was having in the late 90's and millenium, you'll understand S-11 inside's about money and power, that's it, not aliens, sorry...
Ruppert is disinfo. He's a grand cover-up artist for 9/11.
Read a little more on conspiracies beyond 9/11, and it will be obvious there is an alien agenda.
Just read about the moon.
no aliens...
and yet ancient humans did paint cave art and carve heiroglyphics depicting weird guys with weird bubble helmets and flying around in weird flying platforms with weird bolts of lightning/flames shooting out of them.
either these ancient humans had the imagination of a george lucas or more likely they were depicting representations of something that they had observed.
as well, the ancient fortress-like ruins constructed of massive precisely cut stones located in south america @ machu pichu is not only too high of an altitude for humans to have been able to labor hard enough to construct but includes metal brackets made of a nickle alloy that modern humans could not produce until the 1930's.
1:26 said: "as well, the ancient fortress-like ruins constructed of massive precisely cut stones located in south america @ machu pichu is not only too high of an altitude for humans to have been able to labor hard enough to construct but includes metal brackets made of a nickle alloy that modern humans could not produce until the 1930's."
boloney, boxers and martial artists train at high altitudes for fights and eventually become comfortable with it, just like people in Denver and other mountainous areas...just because white folks discovered an alloy
in the 1930's doesn't mean the ancients couldn't produce it...the ancients weren't idiots, in fact, quite the opposite...modern man is the idiot, and that's a fact...
aliens didn't build the moon, the moon ain't fake...that is f*cking insane and no wonder the Spooks and Perps are laughing at this movement...
The muscles around my colon could jump higher than 18 inches, THAT'S for sure!!!
ok i concede that if ancient humans were more advanced than us and could cut massive stone blocks with the precision of a diamond saw and could then cart these massive blocks very long distances and fit them together so that a blade cannot be stuck between them and even with no mortar they are still standing to this day and they could forge metal alloys that modern man couldn't until the 1930's then it's also possible that the reason they produced cave art and heiroglyphics depicting weird bubble helmeted guys flying around on weird flying devices is because they simply had vivid george lucas-like imaginations and not because they were depicting an actual event that they had witnessed.
who cares if spooks and perps are laughing at this moment?
they can go laugh at the 1st responders to ground zero who seem to be falling ill more and more regularly from breathing in the poison dust.
i am more than prepared to discuss any aspect of 9/11 with spooks and perps or even yourself.
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