Humint Events Online: Could 9/11 Have Been Done With FAE/Thermobaric Explosives?

Monday, September 03, 2007

Could 9/11 Have Been Done With FAE/Thermobaric Explosives?

By The Anonymous Physicist

Major breakthroughs on the nuking of the WTC will be coming soon. For now, let us examine the theory that the WTC was demolished solely, or primarily, via thermobaric (Fuel/Air) explosives. Thermobaric or Fuel Air Explosives (FAE) produce great blast and overpressure. Their relatively high temperature (compared to other conventional explosives), and over-pressure can cause great damage to structure, and to humans. And I have written (coming soon), they were possibly used in the initial explosions (bogus “plane hits.”) But let us address whether thermobarics could have caused the final WTC demolition we saw, and the China Syndrome aftermath we know came to be.

We know from the towers’ missing mass (debris, rubble), and the dust testing that much steel structure was vaporized. We also have the quote, after examination, from fire engineering professor, Dr. Barnett, about his observing steel beams that he said showed evidence of vaporized steel from “extraordinarily high temperatures”, that led to a laughable “refutation” from a disinfo physicist (scroll down to comments). How anyone could believe anything from either of the two disinfo agents/physicists is beyond me.

Now the best thermobarics reach a temperature of about 2500 to 3000 degrees Celsius. Steel boils (vaporizes) at about 3000 degrees Celsius. I understand that most of the steel structure in the towers was treated with asbestos and other types of fireproofing, which would give it an effective higher vaporization temperature, thus likely beyond the range of even the best thermobaric/FAE explosives. We also have the issue of time, for an explosive that barely, maybe reaches the boiling point of steel, the explosive would not provide enough time to yield what Dr. Barnett saw. Does your water boil instantly, even though your burner has a temperature somewhat beyond water’s boiling point? No, it takes time-- but it would vaporize instantly if it were nuked! The “extraordinarily high temperatures” of a nuke, or neutron bombardment, would vaporize (boil) steel instantly. But even if we give thermobarics the benefit of the doubt; let’s say you wanted to have the rapid, mostly symmetric, virtual free-fall (some say faster than free fall, as this is not in a vacuum), 10-12 second complete destruction of the towers, would you employ an explosive that might possibly, barely vaporize some steel structure; or would you need and use something that instantly, overwhelmingly vaporized it— via multi-million degree temperature, and neutron bombardment?

For completeness now, thermobarics cause great damage to structure and to human beings. “The blast wave destroys UNREINFORCED (get it?) buildings” and the office of the Australian Minister of Defence states “Internal organs that contain air (sinuses, ears, lungs and intestines) are particularly vulnerable to [thermobaric] blast. The whole body may also be thrown by blast wind, which can result in fractures. Besides the obvious blast injuries, recent research has shown that there are neurological, biochemical and blood chemistry changes caused by blast effects.” But at least one thing is clearly missing… VAPORIZATION. As Spooked has posted here after reading Robert Shaler's book on attempted DNA matching of 9/11 victims, "Who They Were", some 1157 tower workers were missing completely and probably vaporized. Instant vaporization of people and structures, I have written, is well known from Hiroshima and Nagasaki to occur at, or near, the hypocenter of a nuke. And I already cited the steel vaporization which is not attainable, or not significantly so, with thermobarics, and less likely with asbestos-treated steel. And you don’t get the China Syndrome aftermath of six month long high temperatures and molten steel— that I have heavily documented with numerous articles here, and ensuing cancer deaths including thyroid, leukemia and lymph cancers— known radiation-induced cancers. Nor would thermobarics provide the responders’ later teeth falling out, or demolition-time burned or hanging skin WITHOUT FIRE, that I have repeatedly highlighted in my previous articles. Nor did we see the fireballs during “collapse” (a la the “plane hits”), that we would have, if thermobarics were employed in any appreciable sense during final demolition. All these missing, but necessary, actual WTC destruction, and aftermath, components prove that the main WTC demolition cause was NOT the hangouts of Nuke-Like, or Nuke-Light, thermobarics, or “DEW”.

In the final analysis, thermobaric explosives may well have been used for the “plane hit’ explosions, and possibly also in a subsidiary capacity BEFORE the final destruction-- to allow for the use of what I have called “underpowered” nuke(s). Both the Finnish military expert and myself (months ago, now at have basically written that keeping the nuking “under wraps” was much desired. Outer steel support structure would be cut or exploded with conventional explosives or cutting charges. I have written that the “innards” of the towers were vaporized by nukes, allowing the overpressure throughout to help "peel away" the outer structure. The Finnish expert details how this last part was likely assisted with conventional explosives, such as thermate or C4.

So we have seen that thermobarics cannot account for the actual WTC destruction and aftermath. What we witnessed on 9/11/01 at the WTC was the dreaded nuking of an American city by its most horrific enemy— its own federal government. More shocking nuclear proof is coming soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you claim to be a physicist?

9:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh sword_of at a loss for_words again.
why don't you refute what anonymous physicist has to say?

11:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because if she's not what she claims to be then what she has to say isn't worth taking seriously.

11:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retarded swart, AKA Early, it would be good if u learned to read.

Anonymous Physicist already stated, in a recent piece here, that he or she has taught Physics at several Universities.

From article by A.P. on 8/25/07:
"Given these ideas from this physicist, who has taught physics at several universities, can Quest please further interview his cop friend, and get back to us here at comments, or via email to Spooked?"

Don't they teach you to read at Langley, moron, or are you one of the inbred "royalty"-derived criminals?

So shill Swart, STFU!

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Given these ideas from this physicist, who has taught physics at several universities, can Quest please further interview his cop friend, and get back to us here at comments, or via email to Spooked?"

That's a lie.

What do you LIE and claim you are a physicist?

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and still neither sword_of an_idiot nor anyone else has countered what A.P. has said.

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's no need to counter it.

Anonymous fizzle-cysts claims are so retarded that they are self-countering.

I'm just curious as to why he/she insists on lying about being a physicist, since anyone retarded enough to believe his/her bullshit will do so wether they hear it from a professor or a garbage man.

4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i guess there really is no need for sword_of a_fool to counter A.P.'s info is there? fool has said it itself;
""whether they hear it from a professor or a garbage man.""
it doesn't matter if A.P. is a real physicist or a garbageman - only his info matters.
one either accepts his info or one refutes it.
denying it without refuting it shows the mark of the fanatic.

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His info is retarded, as is anyone who believes it.

The question remains, why does he lie about being a physicist?

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey retarded Swart, every post you make indicates several things.
Your Gestapo bosses are worried, so they send you. If Anonymous Physicist were not a Physicist, and/or his info was not valuable, you wouldn't be here shill.

Every desperate, moronic, post you make validates him and his articles.

Usually you post just once, and then STFU. Now you must really be worried. Why?

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow... you sound angry. Almost like I struck a nerve. I wonder why that is?

You know I'm right, he IS lying.

Here is a question you need to be asking yourself: If AP is lying about being a physicist, then what else is he lying about?

6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If AnonPhysicist is lying, please provide proof.

You have offered no proof that he is lying. You have offered no proof that anything AnonPhysicist has said is wrong.

Put up or shut up.

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's provided no proof that he is a physicist.

9:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Gov't 'Shill-O-Meter' just went off the charts!

I guess the closer we get to what really brought down the Towers, the Shills come scurrying out of the cracks. :-)

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does the fizzy sheesh pretend to be an anonymous poster defending the fizzy one?

Swordfeesh? Thatsa no feesh. Thatsa
phony doctor what cuts on you!

10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow... I point out that someone who claims that the moon is a giant hollow alien spaceship is mentally retarded and the rest of the loons go apeshit.

I'm doing you morons a favor by pointing out that you're idiots and the real world doesn't accept you.

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh hey look! Rob's come back!

Hey Rob, has threatening to kill people who say things you don't like worked yet? Have you gotten anyone to shutup that way yet?

Oh, I just looked at your website, and it looks like you use neo-nazis as sources as much as spooked does.

Yer both just a couple of crazy KluKKers, aren't ya?

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares if he is an anonymous physicist or really an anonymous wedding planner?
either his info will be refuted or it will not.
so far it has not.
changing the subject with accusations of "kkk" certainly does not convince anyone that anonymous physicist is wrong.

12:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares if he is an anonymous physicist or really an anonymous wedding planner?

So you admit he is lying then.

Why do you think that he is only lying about being a physicist?

12:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

isn't it time for your break yet, sword?
perhaps you should try and locate someone who can refute what he has said about nuclear demolition of the wtc.

1:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I told you before, there is no need to refute his claims. They are retarded. They are automatically refuted by his having made them.

That you atre too mentally deficient to recognize this does not change the facts.

3:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sword of Truth said...

Oh hey look! Rob's come back!

Hey Rob, has threatening to kill people who say things you don't like worked yet? Have you gotten anyone to shutup that way yet?

Oh, I just looked at your website, and it looks like you use neo-nazis as sources as much as spooked does.

Yer both just a couple of crazy KluKKers, aren't ya?

Hey LOOK everyone!!!!

The MAIN Government SHILL assigned to this website is back!

Have a GREAT, Government SHILL-A-RIFFIC day, Sword of Disinformation!!

hehe :-)

4:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the real physicist here please
stand uP.

Thank you.

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey anonymous physicist! what is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

will someone actually refute what anonymous physicist has actually said?

1:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

will someone actually refute what anonymous physicist has actually said?"

Sointly. Give ME the knife. I'll slice the cake. I'll stab the baloney. Else wherefore born.

2:33 PM  

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