Humint Events Online: WTC2 Hole-- Any Questions?

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

WTC2 Hole-- Any Questions?

(click to enlarge)

Another view:

(click to enlarge)

Here's the official story:

(click to enlarge)
Note the port wing gash is totally misaligned, and the NIST diagram misleading tries to indicate that the wing was bowed at the end-- but they don't follow the actual gash mark!

See also here.

UPDATE: Note -- it's not impossible, of course, that parts of the plane would shred on some of the outer columns-- I expect they would if such a collision really occurred. The problem is that the blocked sections are where the strongest and heaviest parts of the plane would have impacted. If the plane could not have gotten through these columns-- how did it blow away the rest???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have a question:
how can the so-called "truth movement" be so stupid as to actually believe that the towers were hit by remote controlled planes when all the evidence points to no-planes and easily produced (and badly done) TV fakery?

2:57 PM  
Blogger spooked said...

Good question. I think the REAL "truth movement" is very open to no-planes. I think the controlled "truth movement" is totally against no planes for both superficial and deeper reasons. The superficial reason is that they can argue that it is too kooky and then they can create an easy division in the 9/11 skeptic movement. The deeper reason is that the plane vs no-plane argument allows them to create a false conflict that can distract away from even deeper truths, such as nukes.

3:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and refusing to even consider TV fakery, not to mention real crash physics, absolves the TV media of complicity.
although certainly only a few at the top are complicit - ie; the CNN big-wig that was one of the only "eyewitness'" that claimed to have seen a large passenger jet actually hit the tower.

nico haupt and his gang have determined that the military system WESCAM was responsible for the original insertion of the stupid plane-shaped silhouette (might as well have used a cardboard cut-out!) into the live TV feed (chopper 4) of the S tower exploding - this could have been done without very many of the media guys knowing about it.

still, the official 9/11 "truth movement" is stupid - maybe willfully so.

4:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You made the assertion that "the official 9/11 "truth movement" is stupid - maybe willfully so."

What facts do you base that on?

Let's have FACTS, not arguments.

8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you need look no further than the leaders of said truth movement who continually insist, using circular arguments, that a thin-walled hollow aluminum tube 767 with a plastic nosecone can punch right thru massive steel box columns.

3:54 PM  

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