Humint Events Online: 33 of the Day: Chapter 33 of Old US Air Force Textbook Discusses UFOs

Friday, October 28, 2016

33 of the Day: Chapter 33 of Old US Air Force Textbook Discusses UFOs

Just a coincidence, I'm sure...
INTRODUCTORY SPACE SCIENCE - VOLUME II CHAPTER XXXIII UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS - USAF UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY It has been known for some time that during the late 1960's and early 1970's the U.S. Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs had some material on UFOs in its curriculum. The chapter of the textbook "Introductory Space Science" for the class Physics 370 has been posted on CUFONSM for quite a while. This file contains expanded coverage, including a newspaper article from the "Lemoore Advance, A letter of reply from the A.F. Academy transmitting copies of the two versions of Chapter 33, Chapter 33 as it was in use from 1968 - 1970, and the revised Chapter 33 placed in use for the Fall Quarter, 1970. (Posted 14 MAY 1992) -- Jim Klotz, CUFONSM SYSOP
(Chapter 33 of "Introductory Space Science"  Physics 370 1968 - 1970 
Edited by:  Major Donald G. Carpenter
Co-Editor:  Lt. Colonel Edward R. Therkelson 
  What is an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO)?  Well, according to United States Air Force Regulation 80-17 (dated 19 September 1966), a UFO is "Any aerial Phenomenon or object which is unknown or appears to be out of the ordinary to the observer."  This is a very broad definition which applies equally well to one individual seeing his first noctilucent cloud at twilight as it does to another individual seeing his first helicopter.  However, at present most people consider the term UFO to mean an object which behaves in a strange or erratic manner while moving through the Earth's atmosphere.  That strange phenomenon has evoked strong emotions and great curiosity among a large segment of our world's population.  The average person is interested because he loves a mystery, the professional military man is involved because of the possible threat to national security, and some scientists are interested because of the basic curiosity that led them into becoming researchers.
   The literature on UFO's is so vast, and the stories so many and varied, that we can only present a sketchy outline of the subject in this chapter.  That outline includes description classifications, operational domains (temporal and spatial), some theories as to the nature of the UFO phenomenon, human reactions, attempts to attack the problem scientifically, and some tentative conclusions.  If you wish to read further in this area, the references provide an excellent starting point.
   One of the greatest problems you encounter when attempting to catalog UFO sightings, is selection of a system for cataloging.  No effective system has yet been devised, although a number of different systems have been proposed.  The net result is that almost all UFO data are either treated in the form of individual cases, or in the forms of inadequate classification systems.  However, these systems do tend to have some common factors, and a collection of these factors is as follows:
   a. Size
   b. Shape (disc, ellipse, football, etc.)
   c. Luminosity
   d. Color
   e. Number of UFO's
    a. Location (altitude, direction, etc.)
    b. Patterns of paths (straight line, climbing, zig-zagging, etc.)
    c. Flight Characteristics (wobbling, fluttering, etc.)
    d. Periodicity of sightings
    e. Time duration
    f. Curiosity or inquisitiveness
    g. Avoidance
    h. Hostility

Associated Effects:
    a. Electro-Magnetic (compass, radio, ignition systems, etc.)
    b. Radiation (burns, induced radioactivity, etc.)
    c. Ground disturbance (dust stirred up, leaves moved, standing wave
    d. Sound (none, hissing, humming, roaring, thunderclaps, etc.)
    e. Vibration (weak, strong, slow, fast)
    f. Smell (ozone or other odor)
    g. Flame (how much, where, when, color)
    h. Smoke or cloud (amount, color, persistence)
    i. Debris (type, amount, color, persistence)
    j. Inhibition of voluntary movement by observers
    k. Sighting of "creatures" or "beings"
After Effects:
    a. Burned areas or animals
    b. Depressed or flattened areas
    c. Dead or missing animals
    d. Mentally disturbed people
    e. Missing items

There is a lot more at the link.
Here is some more recent news regarding the Air Force and UFOs...
The military deleted a passage about unidentified flying objects from a 2008 Air Force personnel manual just days after The Huffington Post asked Pentagon officials about the purpose of the UFO section.
Before the recent revisions, the document — Air Force Instruction 10-206 — advised pilots, radar operators and other Air Force personnel on what to do when they encountered any unknown airborne objects. Now in the 2011 version, the reference to UFOs — which simply means “unidentified flying objects,” not necessarily spaceships with little green men — has been eliminated.


Blogger the mighty wak said...


ya, huh, the same dept. of physics that disregarded some of the very laws of physics regarding aluminum vs. hardened steel, the temperature at which hardened steel melts, the speed at which a giant flimsy aircraft can actually swim it's way thru the thick atmosphere of low altitude and actual crash physics itself. (9/11 fairytale)

10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hillary's 33,000 deleted emails was the work of the evil PTB -- because, well, as we all know, the PTB all want Trump to win the election.

Something like that.

We are here to do good for others. What the others are here for is anybody's guess.

9:45 AM  

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