Humint Events Online: Conspiracy Theories Going Off the Rails Because of MAGAts

Saturday, August 05, 2023

Conspiracy Theories Going Off the Rails Because of MAGAts

How QAnon and Jan. 6 Ripped the Conspiracy Theory World Apart

In one sense, I can really relate to this piece about the "good old days of conspiracy theories" very much (they mention the holy conspiracy trinity of 9/11, there JFK ass'n and UFOs), but what the piece very annoyingly leaves out is that all the terrible elements, the most toxic people, are all the goddamned rightwing assholes, largely Trump supporters!!! 

FFS, the NYTimes and their inability to call this noxious part of right-wing politics out is maddening! 

Also, this isn't in the piece, but I don't get the movement lately from the left to call basic questions about 9/11 truth nutty -- this was a largely leftwing movement based on facts from the beginning. Who the hell on the left really trusts GW Bush and Dick Cheney about 9/11? 

That being said I do know there has always been a schism on the left between complete adherence to official narratives and "science" and with those who entertain conspiracy theories about events such as 9/11 and the JFK assassination. 

Obviously I am interested in alternative theories for a lot of things that happen in our world, but they need to be originated in facts, follow some basic logic, adhere to human behavior, be put in perspective with normal politics and not be dogmatic or considered 100% truth. 

And it's undoubtedly true that what the rightwing and far-leftwing is doing now is taking all the more-or-less reasonable concerns from the left from the past 20 years, about voting machines, the CIA/deep state, govt surveillance, election interference which clearly happened with Dump with Russia, and twisting it beyond all recognition to fit their idiotic pro-Dump conspiracy narrative, and completely losing track of any sense of facts and logic and truth.


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