Humint Events Online: 9/11 "News"

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

9/11 "News"

 OMG, Saudi Arabia helped the hijackers!


Actually, there's nothing new about that and it's still shameful that American agencies have downplayed this obvious connection so heavily over the years. It is all because of their oil and massive amounts of money? Or something deeper?

More interesting was the DU post where I saw the new article on Saudi Arabia help for 9/11.


"Underpants" posted this curious conspiracy theory:

There's only one conspiracy theory I've entertained about 9/11
Reply to Nevilledog (Original post)
Mon May 20, 2024, 01:05 PM
There were experienced pilots among the 19. Probably with fake names. I heard Michael Moore propose this. It wasn’t because HE said it but because he said people who’d know said that it’s highly unlikely for three people to fly planes that precisely with only computer simulations and in air training on much smaller planes. The Pentagon was a center punch. It sadly didn’t skip or miss high at all. As we remember during that time almost anything seen as second guessing anything could get someone accused of siding with the terrorists. No one wanted that but I do remember a post here from a source I don’t remember in which experienced 747 pilots said it takes a lot of hours to be that exact including the sharp turns of the ones that hit the towers. Almost impossible for a novice. The conclusion was that it was probably Saudi trained or recruited pilots.


 Yes... the Pentagon hit was quite amazing (or search this blog for Pentagon posts)

Getting professional pilots to run suicide missions on 9/11 doesn't make much sense though. It's kind of silly really. And we know there are endless problems with the official place story anyway.


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