Humint Events Online: The Re-emergence of Osama bin Laden

Saturday, October 30, 2004

The Re-emergence of Osama bin Laden

Boy-- he looked none the worse for the wear. Nice clothes, nice room. Has he really been on the run?

The timing is cute too. Karl Rove said they had a few more tricks up their sleeves, but is this one of them? Are we supposed to be freaked out by a well-rested and reasonable-sounding Osama bin Laden who mocks Bush's response on 9/11?

Things that raised MY suspicions:

1) OBL talking about destroying the towers-- if he really wanted to destroy the towers as he claims, was his best bet really crashing airplanes into them?

2) OBL referring to "the 19" hijackers. The FBI came up with the count 19 hijackers, and that number is questionable according to many 9/11 researchers. The full flight manifests have never been released and the FBI has NEVER described how they found out who the hijackers were. So it is odd that OBL would refer to the 19 hijackers-- it's as if he was using a the US media for his info on 9/11.

3) OBL referring to the delayed response of Bush and (by inference) the US military to the airplane hijackings. It seems odd to think that OBL took US air defenses into account in the hijacking plan in the first place. If Al Qaeda HAD been worried about US air defenses, they would probably have done things differently-- like take off from airports closer to the targets, and in the case of flight 11, not meander around for 15 minutes. In the case of flight 93, you would think they would have started the hijacking a little earlier, rather than 45 minutes after take-off-- especially considering flight 93 was already delayed in taking off, and authorities were already alerted to at least two other hijackings. But as we know, OBL had very little to do with how 9/11 was carried out. So this little dig by Osama is probably part of his game where he wants to fool people into believing that he planned the attacks.

All in all, this video makes me think that Osama is being handled by some intelligence service-- since he is healthy and protected and in touch with what's going on in the world and the US. I think it is quite likely Osama is being protected by some intelligence service, most likely the Pakistani ISI.

This video also suggests to me that Osama had little personally to do with 9/11. I think the only way Osama was really involved with 9/11 was by running a terrorist/drug smuggling organization that provided some of the hijacker "patsies". I seriously doubt Osama really engineered the attacks in any way, since the 9/11 attacks were really a NORAD hijacking exercise that utilized Al Qaeda operatives as the hijackers. I don't mean to imply Osama is harmless -- he IS a terrorist that has a beef with the US. I just don't think he was the driving force behind 9/11.


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