Humint Events Online: Nightmares

Saturday, November 06, 2004


Yes, it is a nightmare to have the Bush administration in power for another four years.

Yes, it is a nightmare that John Kerry and the media barely even tried to expose the serial misdeeds of the Bush administration-- including the 9/11 cover-up.

Yes, it is a nightmare that we can't trust the election results because of hackable and non-verifiable e-voting machines.

Yes, it is a nightmare that roughly 50% of Americans think that George W. Bush is just swell.

So what exactly are we afraid of?

The unknown.

We don't trust those in power, we don't know what kind of vision they truly have for this country, and we feel powerless to stop them from pursuing this agenda.

We don't know what exactly is going to happen to this country with Bush in charge, and we know they are going in a direction we don't think is right.

Last night I found the voting results for my precinct.

I knew my county, Hendricks County, just west of Indianapolis, went for Bush by about 70%, but I didn't know how my neighbors voted.

I found that out of about 700 voters, 75% of my neighbors voted for George W. Bush and only 25% voted for Kerry. I live in a very middle class, "nice" neighborhood, very white. In a way, you have got to admire the simple fact that 180 or so people voted for Kerry, but still it is chilling to think that the vast majority of my neighbors think Bush is swell, and that they have no problems giving him another term.

I think I am going to have to go local. I need to find out what makes my neighbors tick, and understand what they think of 9/11 and the "war on terror" and the fact that 100,000 people have died in Iraq since we invaded.

Hopefully, I can inform them of some of the oddities of 9/11 and help them question the official version of events. Even conservatives, or especially conservatives, should be wary of what the government is doing, and the excessive secrecy of this administration.

We need to help people get to the truth, one step at a time.


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