Humint Events Online: Another Stolen Election?

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Another Stolen Election?

1) How come the counted votes are so different from the exit polls for Ohio and Florida when they aren't off in other close states? One explanation we have to consider is that the electronic voting machines were manipulated.

2) Everybody was saying there was massive turnout and the long lines at polling places supported this (I had to wait an hour). How come the total votes in the country are only about 114 million for president? That's only 4 million more than 2000. What the hell? Could this have to do with electronic machine fraud as well? Or is it merely that provisional and absentee ballots haven't been counted?

Very suspicious overall. Especially the disparity in the exit polls and the vote counts in Diebold states.

UPDATE: They are now saying 120 million voted overall (60%) of eleigible voters, and that about 6 million absentee and provisional ballots still need to be counted. I guess these are spread out over enough states that they cannot conceivably overcome Bush's lead. In any case, Kerry has conceded. But did 10 million extra voters really make such a big difference in waiting times at the polls? That's really less than 10% more voters overall, though granted it probably was not evenly distributed.

As far as possible e-vote fraud-- look, I know this isn't the main reason Kerry lost. But in a close election, every little thing counts, and fraud is fraud and potential fraud needs to be investigated. I really wish Kerry had challenged the e-voting results. Moreover, it is clear the Rethugs used every sleazy trick they could in Ohio-- why should we not think that they manipulated the e-vote counts?


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