Humint Events Online: The 2004 Presidential Election and 9/11

Monday, November 01, 2004

The 2004 Presidential Election and 9/11

Bush and the Republicans are running the most shameful campaign in my living memory. I am 42. These ghouls apparently feel they cannot win fairly and honestly, so they must cheat and scam and deceive at every point along the way. My sense is they won't get away with it, and that Americans have finally woken up for the most part to the evil of this administration. But on the other hand, it is amazing Bush has as much support as he does, and we can't rule out that he could pull out another "win". And certainly, if Bush wins the presidency "again", it will be in large part because of 9/11. And of course, it is the position of this blog that the Bush administration was heavily complicit in making the 9/11 attacks happen.

My personal feeling is that getting Bush out of office will be a huge victory for 9/11 justice. The sad fact is that in all likelihood we will never get completely satisfactory answers from the government regarding 9/11. The government such as it is, just does not give out the truth on huge tragedies such as 9/11. At least in the next thirty years, anyway. As an alternative, we CAN get back at the twisted and power-mad perpetrators of 9/11-- the traitors Bush and Cheney-- by voting them out of power.

If Bush loses, I will still pursue 9/11 truth-- because it is very important for the future of the country that we expose this scam that has been perpetrated on us. But the government is very likely to clamp down very tightly on this dark chapter in American history. Many of the same people who were behind 9/11 will still be in the government. And the major media will still have the same blinders that shield the truth that they wear today. Thus, 9/11 truth is not likely to come out in one large chunk of epiphany and rapture, but rather it will dribble out in bits and pieces that will strain our patience.

If Bush wins, getting 9/11 truth will become even more vital, but it will probably become exponentially harder. Because these people will do almost anything to maintain their hold on power, and exposing the truth about 9/11 will bring them crashing down in the most ignominious way possible. Our only hope would be if someone in a position of power who knows the truth comes forward in order to protect the country from further ruin from Bush and Cheney. If Bush wins, my major goal will be to pursue 9/11 truth to the fullest extent that I can and still maintain my responsibilities as a provider for my family. Helping to expose the complicity of the Bush administration in 9/11 will be possibly the most important thing I can do in my life. I am committed to it.

The good news is that much of the truth about 9/11 is out there. It has been compiled by researchers like Hopsicker and Ruppert and Thompson and countless other researchers, and it is all over the internet. For the most part, 9/11 truth just needs to be woven together and a few major holes sewn up. The important part and the really hard part will be getting the truth out there for the public to understand, and getting the government to admit what happened.

If Bush is defeated tomorrow, life will become much easier for me. If Bush wins, life will become much harder for the 9/11 truth movement, and more fraught with danger I imagine. Our job will be, and must be, to expose this president as the traitor that he is.


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