Humint Events Online: Depressing Reading

Friday, December 17, 2004

Depressing Reading

Gary Webb's chapter in "Into the Buzzsaw"-- "The Mighty Wurlitzer Plays On": how the major media destroys stories that pull the mask off the ugliness that is done in the name of national security, particularly ugliness done by the CIA.

John Kelly's chapter in "Into the Buzzsaw"-- "Crimes and Silence: The CIA's Criminal Acts and the Media's Silence": how the media (and both political parties of course) completely ignore the horrendous crimes done by the CIA around the globe-- murder, torture, etc. The CIA commits 100,000 criminal acts a year according to Kelly.

"American Assassination: The Strange Death Of Senator Paul Wellstone"-- the title basically of speaks for itself. But this is a VERY disturbing book that rigorously presents the argument that Paul Wellstone was murdered by the Bush administration because he was in their way-- he was blocking their gaining control of the senate.

This Daily Kos thread on how most Democrats just don't seem to care about the clear disenfranchisement of African American voters that occurred in the last election-- particularly in Ohio. I agree it is outrageous. I wish I had an answer or a solution.

Of course Iraq continues to be depressing, the torture stories continue to be depressing, and the GOP continues its descent into lunacy while the Democrats continues their slide into irrelevancy.

All in all, this country seems to have lost its soul, or any sense of decency. Perhaps this happened a long time ago, and I am only just realizing it now. Either way, I really am NOT proud to be an American right now.

But other than that-- it's Christmas and don't we all feel joyful? Let's all go shopping!


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