Humint Events Online: The Truth About 9/11 Truth

Monday, December 27, 2004

The Truth About 9/11 Truth

I have come to the sad conclusion that "9/11 truth" as a general movement is not going anywhere.

The simple reason is the press is never going to budge on their pre-conceived story-line-- at least for another twenty years or so.

Look at this story, where SecDef Rumsfeld essentially admits flight 93 was shot down.

This story has gotten no play at all. The press just DOES NOT WANT TO GO THERE.

I'm afraid that real 9/11 truth will be relegated to a bunch of "conspiracy nuts".

While probably a large percentage of the overall US population believes there is some sort of cover-up involving 9/11, there is a very big leap towards believing as I and others do, that 9/11 was a US government-sponsored covert operation. I very much doubt that more than 1% of the adult US population believes that the US government was complicit in 9/11. Such a small number-- even if this represents millions of people-- is never going to change public opinion.

Again-- the problem is that the mainstream US media will NEVER seriously consider the idea that the US government was complicit in 9/11. Thus, the great bulk of the population will never catch on to the great 9/11 scam.

However, I am curious about younger people in this country-- who get much more of their news from the internet. For instance, my brother-- who is in his early-20's and is not particularly politically involved-- actually believed back in 2002 that the Pentagon was hit by a missile. (I'm not sure if he still thinks this.)

I think, as younger people mature into a more powerful societal group in the next ten to twenty years, there will be a serious re-evaluation about 9/11.

Unfortunately, by then, 9/11 will be old history and many of the key governmental players long-retired or even dead. But some sort of truth will emerge, I think.

However, if anybody is hoping for a major US government shake-up in the near future based on 9/11 truth, I think they are dreaming.

Not that we can't dream, or that it isn't important to dream.

But what's needed FIRST is a major shake-up in the media-- that rearranges their priority from protector of the government to inquisitor of the government.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumsfeld's 'gaffe' actually got a pretty fair treatment in a CNN article. Not that it will go anywhere. You are right about their chutzpah. The silver lining to their untouchability, I think, is that there is no need for a new staged attack, since their power is already so well consolidated. Not exactly comforting, but what can you do.

6:11 AM  

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