Humint Events Online: Before the Synthetic Terror of 9/11

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Before the Synthetic Terror of 9/11

There was the synthetic terror of the Oklahoma City Bombing.

This following article paints a fascinating image and suggests there may be some convergence of people coming together to question what the hell the government has exactly been doing over the past ten years:
The Oklahoma City Bombing Investigation Committee (OKBIC), an independent truth seeking organization, hosted a Speaker's Forum at the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City on April 20, for the tenth anniversary of the highly controversial bombing.

Dressed in suits and ties, the majority of the OKBIC speakers, in their adamant defiance of the government investigation, reflected strong religious ties to God and anti-UN, anti-immigration and pro-military attitudes.

Also attending were the more casually clad 911Truth advocates, who generally focused on informing OKBIC of suspected government compliance and cover-ups of the World Trade Center attack. Although in disagreement on other issues, these speakers refrained from opening other debates out of respect for the primary subjects.

In a hallway interview, Former Oklahoma Representative Charles Key, said that in many ways, the OKC bombing and the 9/11 attack were joined together "like Siamese Twins." They appear to be separate but deliberate attempts to promote other political agendas. Key also stated that that it is outrageous for the government to investigate itself, and that the flawed investigations of both events have striking similarities.

As the meeting progressed, it became subtly apparent that both sides of the political spectrum were briefly united in a bond of truth, the enemy being the malicious and treasonous deceptions perpetrated by factions within the US government. Shouldn't all Americans unite across partisan boundaries, at least while seeking the truths behind these two horrendous tragedies?


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