Humint Events Online: A Curious Article on Flight 93

Sunday, June 12, 2005

A Curious Article on Flight 93

in the Pittsburgh TRIBUNE-REVIEW:
A few minutes before the crash, John Hixon was outside with his dog when he looked up and saw Flight 93 cast a large shadow over a pond at his Delmont home.

The jetliner appeared to be gliding, he said, because the turbines in the plane's engines were revolving in a low, soft whir as it cruised over Westmoreland County.

"It was making a funny sound," Hixon said. "It was flying awfully low, and almost hit the tree tops. It went over the top of my neighbor's house and then it was gone."
Gliding? Well that certainly doesn't fit the conventional story of flight 93 going down at almost 600 miles per hour. Why were the engines off?
As the ill-fated Flight 93 passed over his district before going down, U.S. Rep. John C. Murtha watched the New York attacks on television.

The Cambria County Democrat was in a meeting with House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt of Missouri in Room 210 of the Capitol when the first two hijacked jetliners slammed into the World Trade Center. They had the TV on as they were conducting business.

"We recognized immediately it was not an accident," Murtha said, but added that he kept working and went on to another subcommittee meeting for a defense bill. A few minutes later, he got a call from a Defense Department employee who said a bomb had gone off in the Pentagon.

"Then, we saw people running past our doorways. The police ran in and said, 'A plane is coming to Washington and we think the target is the Capitol.' We evacuated the building."
Murtha, who flew to the crash site in a Blackhawk military helicopter, said his impression was that the hijacked jetliner disintegrated upon impact, with the tail collapsing into the front. Considering that debris was found miles away, he believes the plane started to come apart during the struggle on board.
Flight 93 was coming apart before it crashed? Why would it do that?

And a bomb went off at the Pentagon?


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