Humint Events Online: Bush Wants to Limit Military Covert Operations

Friday, July 01, 2005

Bush Wants to Limit Military Covert Operations

This is interesting: regarding the new intelligence reforms--
Mr. Bush completely rejected only one idea, and he appears to be right in doing that. The details were classified, but Douglas Jehl reported in The Times that the axed proposal would have given the Pentagon greater authority to conduct covert operations.
Now I find it hard to believe that Bush really wants to limit covert operations in general. But there is one way this makes sense-- if 9/11 was a military covert operation, and in particular, if 9/11 was a covert operation that was a neocon-led military coup that actually threatened Bush if he didn't go along with their plans to attack the middle east. This is what Webster Tarpley has proposed in "Synthetic Terror 9/11: Made in USA", and there is some evidence to believe that Bush was threatened on 9/11. Specifically, this would be the coded threats that were made against Air Force One.


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