Humint Events Online: So What The $#@! Is The Matter With Bob Kerrey?

Monday, July 04, 2005

So What The $#@! Is The Matter With Bob Kerrey?

This is just OUTRAGEOUS:
MR. KERREY: I've got some concern for the military in this whole situation, because the optics for me is, you all are taking a bullet for the FAA. I appreciate that may be wrong, but that's how it appears, because, General Arnold, you in particular on the day covered yourself in glory. I think the military performed, under the circumstances, exceptionally well, and I don't understand why the -- again, General Myers is the guy to ask, because there was a briefing at the White House on the 17th of September. And it feels like something happened in that briefing that produced almost a necessity to deliver a story that's different than what actually happened on that day.

General Arnold, is that an unfair optic on my part? As I said, if you look at what you all did on that day, it's hard to find fault. And we really haven't uncovered this stuff, it was readily available, the facts were all there. So it leaves the impression that there is an attempt to create a unified story there, and has you all, as I said, taking a bullet for the FAA, because the FAA should have told you what was going on -- it seems to me. It must be agonizing to -- you know, you lost 50 military personnel in the Pentagon and 75 civilians in the Pentagon that day -- it must be agonizing to know that Secret Service had information you didn't have. Help me out here. Am I looking at this wrong? Because, as I said, it looks like you guys did a good job on that day, and now it -- you know, it just gives the appearance that you're standing in front of the FAA, and unnecessarily so.
From the Twelfth Public Hearing, NATIONAL COMMISSION ON TERRORIST ATTACKS UPON THE UNITED STATES, Thursday, June 17, 2004.

REALLY NOW, Mr. Kerry? The military performed "exceptionally well" on 9/11 and it was the FAA that screwed up and the military is being blamed for this?

Pardon me while I scream.

One only has to look at the utter lack of air defense over Washington DC on 9/11 to throw this whole statement into absurdity.


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