Humint Events Online: A Professional Killer

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

A Professional Killer

This woman's husband is exactly the type of person who could pull off something like 9/11:
My former husband George, who is a trained assassin, calls the people he is involved with the members of The Firm or The Brotherhood. If you are in the clique, you are above the law and literally can get away with murder. For years, mostly when he was drinking, he told me how he and others in this elite military group would kill people,” said Griggs, as she mentioned name after high-powered name and story after-detailed story about sexual perversion, murder, military hit squads, brainwashing and mind control, all activities sanctioned, participated in and condoned by a group of military and political elite.
During numerous drinking binges over many years, one of the main things that sticks out in Griggs’ mind was how easily her husband rationalized killing a small number of innocent people and how he was able to somehow justify the killings if it accomplished a strategic goal for the elite group involved.

“Who are these people?” Griggs repeated after being asked the same direct question. “In general, they are first generation German sons, mostly who run things in the military through tight friendships made in Europe and at war colleges. Psyops is a controlling group and Paul Wolfowitz is a major player, as are the many Zionists on this side of the Atlantic.

“Truth is light. And these guys are anxious to collect the global power now in the few hands of their Freemasonic ( French Masons ) brotherhood's elite hands. It is a very, very small group and a rather homogenized group of global top down existentialist Zionists and socialists. In short Nazi’s who came to the U.S. when Hitler, their boy, turned on them in 1933.

Griggs said other recognizable names and major players she learned from her husband’s arrogant ramblings besides Wolfowitz and other nondescript military and civilian names, involved in what she called a Zionist global takeover, included Donald Rumsfeld, George H. Bush, Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger and Andy Fine, to name a few.

“After what I learned from George about “Rummy,” as he called him and idolized him and the others, is that they all operate from this secret little, sick society and are all basically cowards and bullies. And I don’t believe I should ever keep quiet about who they are because the only way we are going to change there behavior is to shed light on what they are doing and show how ludicrous , sick and inept their behavior really is.

“My husband George just idolized “Rummy” and thinks he is just wonderful when basically he is nothing more than an in the closet-Nazi. Also, George liked to brag how he and Wolfowitz were down in Indonesia in the 1970s, down there training young assassins.

“After what I heard all those years and now putting it into perspective after 9/11, I think they are trying to destroy America. Their whole game is all about war, selling weapons and creating a militaristic society. I know first hand from listening to my husband, they will do anything – I mean anything including murder – to get what they want.”

Although Griggs said her husband never mentioned anything specific about 9/11 during their marriage, she claims he hinted several times that “war-gaming and airplane crashes” were necessary elements to control and manipulate the American population.

Putting many of her husband’s comments together with other acquaintances made through him, she had this to say about 9/11:

“Before 9/11, there were some things which let me know that it was involved with war gaming going on at ACT Commands center in Suffolk. War games and diversions and manipulations of American public opinion he said are "necessary.” George explained some examples such as airplane "crashes" and the bombing by the Israeli Lebanese Bekka valley recruits who blew up the Marine Corps barracks. I believe my husband knew ahead of time 9/11 was going to occur.

“I know that there was a war game going on via Tampa, I think it was called Bright Star, which was being run on 9/11 by a weird and insecure USMC General who was in charge while the Army head was conveniently away in the Near East.

“I am sure 9-11 was a joint and combined military operation, using boys who were recruited via A.Q. Khan's Israeli network in Pakistan and South Africa through Zionists in Hamburg. I believe that certain MI6 British Zionists with the Ian Goodwin-Peter Goodwin-Basil Cardinal Hume Yorkshire network were also involved in funding and recruiting these guys. It was a large and ongoing operation to set up and involved lots of CIA Zionists and lots of funny money.”
Some fascinating info. Her husband and his colleagues sound very much like the "professional killers" to whom Webster Tarpley refers that carry out covert operations and let the patsies take the blame. They also sound like the same sort of people as the Operation Gladio killers described by Tarpley.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a former U.S. Army Ranger spooked...we'll talk all about these 'killer types' if we ever meet at the next 9/11-related event...but not here. ;)

btw, if you want to watch 2 video interviews with Griggs, Hufschmid has them posted on his site under the heading "Desperate Wives":

1:01 AM  
Blogger spooked said...

Sounds good, Rob. I assume you know that such people exist?

7:37 AM  

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