Humint Events Online: Outrage

Thursday, September 01, 2005


I just can't believe how ill-prepared the disaster teams were for NOLA and Katrina. This was either purposeful sabotage or a mind-boggling series of mistakes.

And I resent being asked to donate money for this. THIS sort of emergency is what I pay taxes for, NOT for the fucking war in Iraq and giving tax breaks to millionaires and subsidies to corporations and all the other evil shit this administration does.

President Death, indeed.

So what was the plan? Was this NOLA disaster what the Bush team was planning for five weeks in Crawford, or is Katrina something they could care less about because something even worse is coming that will take all our minds off everything before?

Like 9/11, none of this disaster makes sense. Incompetence simply isn't enough to explain what happened.

And how weird is it that the recently renovated part of the levee got taken out-- reminiscient of the recently renovated part of the Pentagon getting hit on 9/11.

Was the renovation an excuse to plant something?

Or was it just merely that the renovation wasn't finished, the wall was weak, no thank to Bush and his war?

Why would the administration let this happen/make this happen?

Is it culling of the poor and weak? A psy-ops to freak out Americans once and for all?

Do they want to militarize the weather? Start a global war on weather? I would not be surprised if there is now some political push to have the military develop weapons that control weather.

We're talking almost certainly over ten thousand dead people. Because no one could fucking do their job OR because someone sabotaged the system.

Either way, outrage kind of loses it's meaning.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i HIGHLY suggest you do some research into HAARP technology spooked.

the U.S. military has it.

it is fully operational.

and it has been in use for AT LEAST the last 12 years.

the U.S. military has things, has technology, has devices that most americans COULDN'T DREAM OF.

10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

look here at the parts of N.O. that are the POOREST, and look here at the parts of N.O. that are the BLACKEST:

Poverty Map:


Now, all the people with means to leave the city, read: white folks,...left. Almost ALL those left behind due to lack of means to leave : black, or minority.

Now look on those maps as to where the blacks live. Now look online as to which parts of the city were hardest hit, or WIPED CLEAN OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Now....figure out the rest...

11:08 PM  
Blogger spooked said...

Yeah, I know what you mean Rob. The racial aspect to this is sick-- Bush IS HITLER now.

8:23 AM  

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