Humint Events Online: A New 9/11 Smoking Gun

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A New 9/11 Smoking Gun

The WTC was fortified for aerial attack before 911!
"Security guard Hermina Jones said officials had recently taken steps to secure the towers against aerial attacks by installing bulletproof windows and fireproof doors in the 22nd-floor computer command center."
Now why on earth would they start securing the towers against aerial attacks?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much for "reasonable man's theory". Could you use whatever sort of "training" you claim you have to explain how "bulletproof windows and fireproof doors" on one floor could protect a 110 story building from "aerial attacks" and, by extension, how that ends up a "smoking gun" in this whole foolishness?

Each and every one of your arguments reminds me of that old saying about when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

There could be a report of a milk truck having a flat tire on Vessey Street on Sept 10th and that would be yet ANOTHER smoking gun!

Keep those hits comin', though!

7:14 PM  
Blogger spooked said...

The point is that they apparently had a warning of an aerial attack. Where would it come from?

9:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love how someone who finds no fault with the "Official" conspircy story of 9/11, continually hangs out at a place that knows the "Official" story is a lie. bizzare indeed. sound like anyone you know pinch???

for example: if you were a Black man, would you continually show up at a racist, redneck bar in the Georgia backwoods where you OBVIOUSLY were not wanted/welcome?? and if you did, what would that say about you? and your sense of judgement?

but we all know pinch's reasons for being here are entirely sincere...LOL!

10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I hang around here because of its human nature to slow down to watch a car crash, which is what this place is.

You guys provide such entertainment value that I feel I get more than my money's worth in internet access on this website alone - not to mention the freakin' hilarious postings at DU.

And for spooked, the fucking point you are trying to make lacks a fucking fundamental and important aspect in that you cannot point to a specific fucking warning of a fucking aerial attack - it is something you are fucking assuming - and we all know what you are when you fucking ASS-ume. You ask where it would come from. I submit that it was standard operating procedure as part of a general upgrade of security measures. Makes about as much sense as your fucking claim.

Seriously...the Bush Derangement Syndrom is bad here. I said, the entertainment value is what keeps me around!

What's next....something probably that has to do with the NY City mayoral elections that were impending - a nefarious plot to get Bloomberg elected! yes!!!!!

Waits for the DU post on that...

11:10 PM  
Blogger spooked said...

Hey, Pinch. Just checked out your blog for the first time. You rock, dude!

And sure is nice to see you hanging around DU too. What small fucking world, eh? I just posted that like 20 minutes ago. What are you, a stalker? Well, I don't think I will be responding to you anymore. You're giving me the creeps.

11:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

told you he was a "Plant" spooked.

he behaviour here just doesn't make any sense otherwise.

he just slings insults. that's it. he's PURE SHILL.

He knows it.


nothing but worthless, NEGATIVE, nasty profanity-laden comments.

high time we bring out the "Ban IP address" stick. hehe

1:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW "pinch"...who is Chad Seltzer? ;-)

1:56 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Spooked said...

Hey, Pinch. Just checked out your blog for the first time. You rock, dude!

And sure is nice to see you hanging around DU too. What small fucking world, eh? I just posted that like 20 minutes ago. What are you, a stalker? Well, I don't think I will be responding to you anymore. You're giving me the creeps.

Welcome to the other club Spooked, I've got my own 'E'pping Tom as well. I wonder if pinch is an erm, assoCIAte of that valis 'persona' that is $elling the bullshit about Fable Deranger(Able Danger)?

I love how the ALL Welfare Princess's blindly support the OffiCIAl Fairy Tale. Could there possibly be a connection between getting a government cheque and unwavering support for the 'Big Lie'?

11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PerpetualYnquisitive, Atta's CIA connections really worry you, huh?

5:11 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

See Spooked, my own 'E'pping tom, so afraid that I will hurt his Fable Deranger $ales that he/she/they feel the need to follow me around and make sure that I don't take away his/her/their customers.

Atta wasn't on a plane involved in 9/11 valis, so who cares if half the planet's unintelligence agencies were following him around?

Why would I worry about Atta and his drug trafficking connections to the CIA? Atta is a patsy, just as the CIA is a patsy in relation to 9/11.

Keep slinging your bullshit around the net valis and I will keep pointing out that you're $elling bullshit, MMMMMkay.

Just go make a DVD about Fable Deranger and scam some money that way, you make$hift paytriot, like Ruppert did by 'proving' Dick Cheney was the mastermind of 9/11 in his great opus 'Crossing The Rubes I've Conned'.

yvan eht noij yvan eht noij yvan eht noij

1:07 PM  

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