Humint Events Online: Gerard Holmgren on 9/11 "Truth"

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Gerard Holmgren on 9/11 "Truth"

I was going to write up something along these lines, but I like the way Holmgren puts it here:
I'm starting to think that S11 was an even more audacious psy-op than any of us imagined. That the ultimate purpose was not so much to get people to believe the official story as such, but to plunge them into intellectual senility in the process of dealing with it. Of course, the middle ranking perps like Bush desperately need to people to believe the official story and he'll fight tooth an nail for that, but he's just a pawn in the game too. The people pulling his strings have just let him loose in the lions cage and they don't really care whether he wins or not. It's the trauma of the fight that's important.

I think it works this way. When I first got into S11 activism, I had a theory that there would be about 10% of the population who would automatically assume that the govt did it, even if they didn't have any evidence and about 10% who would never believe it, no matter how much evidence they got. That leaves 80% which are open to persuasion. About half of these would be easy to convince if they got good evidence. The other half would range from difficult to extremely stubborn, but not hopeless.

So I figured that if the 40% of the population who would be easy to convince got targeted with good info, that would give you 50% and from there, the weight of majority pressure would start wearing down the other 40% who were difficult but not completely closed.

I was dead wrong. It may have seemed like a sensible analysis in the pre-S11 world, but the event itself changed that. It gave people stark choices. The official story required either that one descended into total intellectual senility in order to still believe it (perhaps deliberately made ridiculous for that very purpose) or else that one keep ones intellect alive but destroy almost everything that one had previously believed about how society works.

If the real story had just been a kind of hover between LIHOP and criminal negligence as promoted by Ruppert, then people probably would have been able to fit that into their existing social models. So it wouldn't have had the destructive effect.

But the cartoon like nature of the script left no middle ground. Destroy all your social paradigms or destroy your intellect in defending them.

I naively expected that most people would choose to keep their intellect alive and shift their social paradigm in accordance with what the evidence told them. But the perps knew better. They were so confident that most people would rather trash their intellect in order to hang on to the basics of their political beliefs, that they deliberately gave them a story which required lunacy in the true sense of the word to believe.

It was a plot to drive the entire world insane, and completely destroy intellectual standards. Once this crack has been opened in the collective intellect, once people have openly and brazenly endorsed complete intellectual insanity for the purpose of hanging on to old paradigms, then the gate is open is to promote total insanity across the board.

So the official story challenges everyone. Those who can come to terms with LIHOP, then face the challenge of believing that no plane hit the pentagon and that the towers were demolished. Those who get past that face the challenge of remote controlled planes and non existent flights and faked passenger lists. Those who get past that face the challenge of it all just being a snuff movie-- no planes and the Naudet foreknowledge. Gradually, people fall away as it gets too much for them. Thus we see people like Brian Salter who were spot on through LIHOP and MIHOP-lite and then suddenly went completely insane, when pushed past his limit. Likewise Hufschmidt. Other people fell away earlier. But at whatever stage they fall away, there still remains a cartoon to believe in, one which they have to go insane to believe.

Once the insanity has been embraced, then the world can be flooded with any insanity they want and people have no intellectual capacity intact to deal with it.

So S11 itself is just a social and intellectual primer to set people up for whatever is next. Guilty govts are expendable in the process if the insanity takes the form of some kind of limited hangout 911-truth religion-- just as long as people can't think any more.

What I was going to write was how I am sure that 99% of this country believes the full truth hasn't come out about 9/11. But the vast majority think whatever is being hidden is being hidden to protect "national security"-- to not let the terrorists know what we know, or something ridiculous like that-- which never makes complete sense.

Certainly, most people have accepted there is something not quite right about the 9/11 story, but can't really deal with the implications or have conditioned themselves to simply accept some low-level of governmental complicity, no matter how monstrous even that prospect is. Most people just can't deal with the idea that the goverment is covering up it's own complicity in 9/11 (even though the US government and Bush administration in particular has so obviously benefited from 9/11).

For people who can question the government's involvement, then they have to deal with the outrageously ridiculous official story and decide how much of it they can jettison. As Holmgren points out, most people, even those who consider themselves 9/11 truth activists, want to cling to some aspect of the official story-- and can't seem to accept the idea that everything about that day was fake. Specifically, people can't seem to handle the idea that 9/11 was probably done without real planes, and the planes were all an illusion, video fakery and planted plane parts.

Personally, I have jumped the various hurdles of the official story, and I think it is most likely 9/11 was done without real planes: the crashes were an illusion, part of the massive psy-ops done on 9/11.

If you think about it, the easiest way to set-up a story about hijackers crashing planes into buildings is to only pretend there were hijackings and planes. All you need is one good set of videos showing a plane crashing into the WTC south tower, plant some bombs and plane parts, use some fake phone calls from terror drills, and you've saved yourself a lot of operational trouble. No need to worry about guiding planes to their targets, no need to worry about the Air Force intercepting the hijacked planes. No need to worry about plane debris too much if the "planes" all DISAPPEAR into their targets.

Is this really what happened?

I don't know, but after studying 9/11 for a year and a half, it is my best guess.

However exactly the "military operation" of 9/11 was carried out, the stunning thing is how so few public intellectuals even try to question the official 9/11 physical story.

This is what Holmgren refers to by "intellectual senility" and "intellectual insanity".


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