Humint Events Online: Media Gatekeeping, Media Elitism

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Media Gatekeeping, Media Elitism

It's not just the mainstream media, almost ALL media avoids the idea that 9/11 was an inside job like the PLAGUE.

We get NO RESPECT, I tell you.

Some of this is probably real "gatekeeping" by power-brokers and elites, who seriously try to censor conspiratorial talk about 9/11.

But I suspect a lot of this avoidance of 9/11 is due to a kind of elitism most educated people have been brain-washed into: the idea that only lunatics and low-lifes believe in conspiracy theories.

Thus, it is totally UNCOOL for most people connected to the media (including most bloggers) to even think about "conspiracy theories". Because that would make THEM low-class or crazy. And naturally people want to protect their status in society.

But it boils down to this-- what is more reasonable?
Simply accepting the government's story on such a critical event as 9/11 and avoiding any difficult/ugly questions, or NOT accepting the government's story about 9/11 AND asking questions about what really happened?

How many "conspiracy theorists" say they KNOW EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED ON 9/11?

I don't know any.

But every CTist has a lot of questions and most have some idea of what happened: a theory.

I have one theory that videos of the second hit were faked. It's a theory based on some evidence. It hasn't been completely proven but I certainly think it is a very viable theory, that is far from being disproved.

The point is, the theory can be subjected to logic and evidence much like any scientific theory.

There's nothing wrong with this.

What is WRONG is people not even asking questions in the first place and avoiding ugly explanations.

On this note, Pissed-Off Cabbie has a good take down of a couple of gatekeeping elitists.


Blogger botfeditor said...

By the by, the next time you're in public, ask someone to call you a "nut job". Okay? Okay.

7:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A real "Nut Job" is anyone who actually believes the Official Gov't Conspiricy fairytale of 9/11...


11:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about a lot of this avoidance is simply because.....its bullshit?

9:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how can you (anonymous) and others look at the discrepancies and anomalies found with the second hit and still say that it's bullshit? - one can only determine that you have not looked at the links that the author provided.

so, should I believe you (anonymous), and accept your word that this is bullshit, or should I believe what I (and anyone who cares to look) can see with my/our own eyes?

9:43 AM  

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