Humint Events Online: Nothing to See Here

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Nothing to See Here


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have GOT to be the most gullible person on this earth. Have you ever bought the Brooklyn Bridge? Perhaps some swampland in Florida? Gotten excited about an email from Barrister Mojutu Sesu Seko in Nigeria with millions of dollars to send you?

There were also reports of a second plane heading for the Pentagon...and the Capital...and the White bombs near the Justice cutters found on other aircraft...etc so on and so forth. None of them were true.

It really is funny how selective you are with what you want to believe. More "scientific method", I suppose.

Just got back from a weekend in Dallas on business. We were finalizing the layout of the re-education camps and reviewing the psyop program that will commence for you wackos in a few weeks. You'll love west central Texas.

7:01 AM  
Blogger spooked said...

Pinch, I suspect you know I'm not nearly as stupid/gullible as you say I am-- otherwise why would you spend so much time writing cute comments here, trying us with your witticisms?

And if your last comment is a joke, it's simply not funny.

If you're serious, then it sure is nice to see how far you will go in upholding "American values".

1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

indeed it is revealing just to see which posts that pinch comments on and which ones he does not.

5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, I am completely convinced of your gullibility - *anything* that even remotely resembles your agenda is embraced and championed. The fact that the confusion and uncertainty and simple fog of events on Sept 11, 2001 resulted in myriad false alarms across the country and even in countries around the world means nothing to your warped little conspiracy-laced mind - bomb in the building? Yeah!

I spend so much time here writing cute comments and trying you with my witticisms because you are such a classic - a veritable caricature of the lefty-wacko-moonbat web page. That and if I said the things I say here on DU I'd get tombstoned in a heartbeat. I fully expect one day you may block me, which will speak volumes about the wacked-out left and their inability to handle dissent, but we'll deal with that when it happens.

Speaking of dissent, without getting *too* much into my trip to Fort Worth, suffice it to say that the base there has one of the facilities listed in a number of web sites that could (*could*, mind you - still working out details) be used by FEMA and other organizations.

I'm sure you are familiar with it, but if you look at
you'll have a better idea at what we are doing/working on.

I am authorized to speak in a limited manner about this program in an outreach attempt to try and minimize the overall numbers of potential incarcerations should that eventuality become necessary. We all want to avoid such drastic measures, but the welfare of the nation must be taken into account and we simply cannot allow spurious and /or coordinated resistance to our plans to be implemented.

*rubs hands together.....*

Our plans are coming to fruition!

And for the Rob-bot, our Joint Executive Order with the new Harper government regarding a secret open-borders enforcement program will allow us to make sure you enjoy the hospitality of our facilities, as well.

Ha, James....I comment on specific posts when the moonbat-o-meter reaches a certain percentage. True, that is just about every one, but some of us have a life and I cannot spend every waking moment commenting on moonbat buffoonery.

10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wonder which member of the daisy committee is writing as "pinch" THIS week...

LOL ;-)

'cos this "pinch" character's diction & syntax change more often than my underwear. :-P

11:24 PM  
Blogger spooked said...


you're the sick one here, dude. Could you have *yourself* put away for a while?

As for being gullible: gee whiz, silly me, a guy says there is a bomb in the building, and then the fucking building crumbles into dust at nearly free-fall speed. Silly silly gullible me.

Of course, I never said the video proved ANYTHING. But Pinch jumps all over me as if I said this was proof of demolition.

Pinch, or whoever you are-- you're seriously fucked up.

And if your detention plan is in any way real: FUCK YOU and your asshole collaborators.

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laffin' my freaking ASS off here!

"And if your detention plan is in any way real: FUCK YOU and your asshole collaborators."

No....YOU'RE not gullible! No siree!

Jesus...where do we find such men? Such strength of character! The gift of absolute knowledge! The omniscient blogger!

Keep it up, Spooked....if you are good and behave we'll let you have an old Tandy laptop in your "accomodations" to make sure you can keep your blog fix going. How magnanimous of us! Allowing you to continue your "Truth to Power!!!" posts inbetween your religious/political re-education/re-doctrination classes! We are so caring of our people!

I'm getting to the point where I can't let a day go by without seeing the latest crapola here. It boosts your hit count, but what the heck - its worth it.

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"pinch" believes every single part of the Govt's version of 9/11 (even the logic & physics-defying parts).

that should tell everyone here all they ever need to know about this character.


11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SHILL!! a.k.a. "pinch"

What's new?


btw. I just realized (thanks to your most sagacious guidance) that 9/11 happened EXACTLY like our government claims it happened...despite all the contradictory evidence)!


12:20 AM  

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