Humint Events Online: New Meme Used to Knock 9/11 Video Research

Saturday, June 17, 2006

New Meme Used to Knock 9/11 Video Research

I read this today at a couple of places:
the perpetrators of 9/11 purposefully planted FAKE videos of the second hit in order to sow doubts about all 9/11 videos and start the spurious "no plane" theory.

Um... okay.

So, doesn't that still sort of prove that the perpetrators weren't 19 Arab hijackers?

In any case, either the videos of the second plane were faked because there was no second plane because it was all a hoax-- or videos of the second plane were faked because there WAS a second plane that the perpetrators want to cast doubt on.

The latter is plausible, and might even be a good explanation-- if the no plane theory only rested on fake videos. However, the no plane theory rests on other pieces of evidence, such as the lack of air force interception to any 9/11 flight, the lack of black boxes at the WTC, the improbability of wings cutting through steel columns and clearly planted plane parts that are used to bolster lack of evidence of a crashed plane at crash sites such as Shanksville.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read this today at a couple of places:

the perpetrators of 9/11 purposefully planted FAKE videos of the second hit in order to sow doubts about all 9/11 videos and start the spurious "no plane" theory.

hmmm. i don't usually use the term "plane hugger" but it sounds like something one of them would say without thinking it thru first. jeez louise some of those guys will bend over backwards to embrace or even invent possibilities for an aluminum plane slipping thru the side of the steel columned tower like a ghost. my personal favorite so far has been the "soft lead bullet" analogy, but this one, purposefully planted FAKE videos of the second hit in order to sow doubts takes the cake. IMO.

2:11 AM  

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