Humint Events Online: I Lay This Disaster DIRECTLY at the Feet of the Bush Administration

Monday, October 09, 2006

I Lay This Disaster DIRECTLY at the Feet of the Bush Administration


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why I keep coming back here!

The sun could go supernova tomorrow and ol Spook's last post would be that he blames Bush.

I never have to worry about ol' Spook ever starting to make sense -because he always comes up with gems like this!

Everyone in the world *knows* that NK is the most - pick your adjective - paranoid, irrational, closed, bizzare, schizophrenic, and psychotic countries on this earth, and leave it to ol Spook to blame the US - wait, blame the Bush administration - for such a country's paranoid actions.

The news that this *may* not have been a nuke after all just adds to the absolute hilarity of your claims that this is a Bush / Rove deal.

You are one. dumb. fuck. But a funny dumb fuck, gotta hand that to you!

hey Spook!!!!!! Ya dumb fuck....! You gonna blame Bush for no hurricanes slamming into the US this year?

8:08 AM  

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