Fire Bad... Official 9/11 Story Good...

I already see the government shills doing what I predicted, acting as if this freeway collapse story vindicates the official WTC story.
Well, sorry, but it's just not that simple.
Here are just a few reasons why the WTC towers were clearly blown up:
-- the near free-fall time in which the massive 1/4-mile high towers went down
-- the complete and utter devastation of the towers resulting from only limited damage near the tops of the structures
-- the near complete pulverization of the concrete floors
-- the disintegration of a large percentage of the massive steel core columns
-- evidence of EMPs in the zone of destruction
All of these facts point to high-energy demolition, most likely by small nuclear bombs.
This guy also finds the freeway collapse story unconvincing with regard to the WTC.
Speaking of SHILLS - ever wonder about the origin of the SHILL who goes by the name "greyl"?
From: CIA Diary, by Philip Agee
Media Operations
The CTA'S role in the US propaganda programme is determined by the official division of propaganda into three general categories: white, grey and black.
White propaganda is that which is openly acknowledged as coming from the US government, e.g. from the US Information Agency (USIA);
grey propaganda is ostensibly attributed to people or organizations who do not acknowledge the US government as the source of their material and who produce the material as if it were their own, black propaganda is unattributed material, or it is attributed to a non-existent source, or it is false material attributed to a real source.
The CTA is the only US government agency authorized to engage in black propaganda operations, but it shares the responsibility for grey propaganda with other agencies such as USTA.
However, according to the 'Grey Law' of the National Security Council contained in one of the NSCID'S, other agencies must obtain prior CIA approval before engaging in grey propaganda.
The vehicles for grey and black propaganda may be unaware of their CIA or US government sponsorship. This is partly so that it can be more effective and partly to keep down the number of people who know what is going on and thus to reduce the danger of exposing true sponsorship.
Thus editorialists, politicians, businessmen and others may produce propaganda, even for money, without necessarily knowing who their masters in the case are. Some among them obviously will and so, in agency terminology, there is a distinction between 'witting' and 'unwitting' agents.
Everybody loves to blame the CIA. Check out the Rendon Group and the Pentagon.
stilldiggin shows precisely how/why no 767 actually did hit wtc2!
EMPs now?? Fascinating.
What would EMPs have to do with the "disintegration of the core" or the "near complete pulverization of the concrete floors"?????
EMPs inflict little to no physical damage.
what would be the cause of the odd and as yet entirely unexplained
toasting of some 1500 automobiles, some of which were a good mile away from the wtc?
most likely EMPs.
Assuming you are asking in good faith-- EMPs are a by-products of nukes, and nukes destroyed the core columns and concrete.
"nukes destroyed the core columns and concrete."
Provide evidence you clownfuck or shut your piehole..
Who regulates shills anyway? As a right-wing Republican, I resent my tax dollars being spent to fund such foul language. This is more upsetting to me than Janet Jackson's nipple at the SuperBowl, a memory which still haunts me and my family.
Michael Powell, demand that the shills abide by FCC rules!
i am wearing a clownshoe which i would cheerfully plant right on the ass of @10:17!
where is the evidence that nukes destroyed the core columns and concrete?
how about the fact that all of the concrete was rendered into powder and much of the steel simply disappeared before it even hit the ground all in only 10 seconds.
or that a section of massive core columns - "the spire" - remained standing for a few seconds and then also turned into dust and simply blew away.
this phenom was even captured on video but of course that means nothing to the official fairytail lickers who still seem to find it amusing to pretend that they actually believe the official fairytale.
or how about the elevated levels of tritium that were measured in the wtc vicinity after 9/11.
of course if anon @10:17 is not the one who is actually the clownfuck then he might wonder why there is absolutely NO evidence that any of 4 alleged boeings allegedly involved in 9/11 were actually involved in 9/11!
Is that you??????
How many no-plane/raygun/mini-nuke clownfucks actually exist? Three? two?
"How many no-plane/raygun/mini-nuke clownfucks actually exist? Three? two?"
However many there are, hopefully they are all male so they don't breed.
And all we can do is hope that none of these no-plane/raygun/mini-nuke clownfucks would want to get close to THIS thing, much less procreate with it:
But their judgment is already in the tank as evidenced by their no-plane/raygun/mini-nuke bullshit, so who knows...
as opposed to your official phony plane leaving no debris with no fires causing a gravity pancake collapse no-proof bullshit?
even rayguns make more sense than the official 9/11 fairytale.
"-- evidence of EMPs in the zone of destruction"
What evidence of electromagnetic pulses are there and can they be documented/proved?
""What evidence of electromagnetic pulses are there?""
the toasted cars might be evidence of EMPs - also weren't most of the phones for miles around knocked out just when the towers were exploded? - EMPs would do that as well.
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