Nukes Took Out the Spire by Disintegrating the Base Core Columns
The "spire"-- a tall remnant of the inner core section, falls straight down. Think how freaking strong the base columns of the core were. Think of the power that must have been needed to take out this base and cause the "spire" to sink straight down.
This is what it looked like at the end:

(click to enlarge)
it looks as if it was turning into powder as it was dropping straight down.
Its not even the inner core section, you asswipe. Its the outer wall, and it fell because the base was damaged by the rest of the building when IT fell.
You really do keep me smilin', man! Keep it up!
Its not even the inner core section, you asswipe. Its the outer wall, and it fell because the base was damaged by the rest of the building when IT fell.
IT IS THE CORE-- even official story believers realize that.
Parts of the core remained for both towers after the initial demolition.
it was a section of core columns and it does look as if it was turning to dust as fast as it was dropping straight down.
and how could it drop straight down at all unless it was dissolving or evaporating from the bottom?
like dipping a piece of rebar into a forge - like pushing the end of a straight piece of solder onto the tip of a soldering iron.
if it simply broke or came unhooked at the bottom it would have toppled over like a tree.
Its not even the inner core section, you asswipe. Its the outer wall,
If that is not a part of the inner core section then where IS the inner core section?
It is nowhere to found in the photo of the tiny debris pile.
Oh bullshit yourself! You don't know what the hell you are talking about - you PROVE it every day by the crap you post here.
Just take a look at that video. You see significant portions of the outer wall just to the left of that spire.
And to say that the spire just turned to dust is simply idiotic. The physical properties of steel don't act that way, sport.
anonymous @ 4:05--
first of all, you're simply wrong about that being outer wall, as outer wall sections were in triads, and the spire is a single column. There are no outer wall sections shown in that video at all.
second, about the dust-- I'm not saying the steel of the spire turned completely to dust, but something strange sure is going on there.
anonymous 4:05,
That "spire" is surely a section of core columns and the "spire" was a good 50 stories high when it dropped straight down "like a straight piece of solder onto the tip of a soldering iron" just like anonymous @12:56 said.
So regardless of whether it was core of perimeter columns how exactly could it drop straight down unless the bottom of it was melting or dissolving?
"So regardless of whether it was core of perimeter columns how exactly could it drop straight down unless the bottom of it was melting or dissolving?"
The way that it could is because you are a fucktard and for no other reason...
that spire or column WHATEVER THE FUCK IT IS, DOES dissolve, cause it was vaporized by the heat/blast of the tactical first it looks like it should topple over, but instead it just crumbles...any FUCKTARD can see that!!
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