Humint Events Online: The Very Strange Story of the XDR TB-Carrying Traveller

Saturday, June 02, 2007

The Very Strange Story of the XDR TB-Carrying Traveller

I really have no idea what this is all about, but there is something extremely fishy about this whole story (here and here).

XDR TB is "extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis".

Speaker touched off an international health alert, a rare federal isolation order and a congressional investigation into U.S. border security when, as he and his new bride sought to return from their honeymoon, they fled across Europe, took a flight to Canada and then drove across the border to the United States to avoid health officials.

The main oddities are:

1) why is this fellow who was known to the CDC to have this deadly form of TB traveling around the world in the first place?

2) what are the odds that his father-in-law would be a CDC scientist who specializes in drug-resistant TB?

3) why is it such a mystery where the patient got infected from?

4) why wasn't the US border patrol on alert for this fellow?

Very very odd.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

because the birdflu hype is soooooooooooo last year dah-ling.

2:56 PM  

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