Humint Events Online: Proof of Extremely High Temperatures at Ground Zero

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Proof of Extremely High Temperatures at Ground Zero

More from the Anonymous Physicist:
The DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) theory for destruction of the WTC, has had its proponents stake their claim on the idea that destruction from DEW is cold-- or “cool” (in contrast to heat-forming). DEW supporters have stated that the tower demolitions, the pyroclastic clouds and their “molecular dissociation clouds” were cool, and that there was no molten metal, no high temperatures after tower destruction in the rubble at Ground Zero.

To counter this, first, chronologically, we have WTC Fireman Peter Critsimilios reported his boots melting while trying to dig for survivors. “Our boots melted from the heat — we dug until we were exhausted.”

Next, this video should permanently lay to rest all the shills who say there was no high temperature, or molten metal at the WTC. Eight weeks after 9/11, here is an eyewitness video where the witness says, “Steel-toed boots is one of the biggest things. Out still on the rubble, it’s still 1100 degrees, the guys’ boots just melt within a few hours.” Note all the smoking rubble shown, eight weeks after 9/11. As we have Ed Bradley interviewing, this is clearly an old CBS “60 minutes” broadcast.

Ed Bradley died in 2006, at the age of 65, from “chronic lymphocytic leukemia”. We know that Ed Bradley was at the WTC in November 2001. So I must ask, is he too a victim of cancer from the radiation at the WTC? His cancer was first officially diagnosed in 2004, some 2-3 years after his WTC exposure. So this “60 Minutes” broadcast--and perhaps even the cancer death of its reporter--helps close the lid on the coffin of DEW.

Keep in mind, the 1100 degrees temperature is at the surface of the rubble. The source of heat under the surface must be greater still. As this is 8 weeks later, and documented, only the China Syndrome of nuclear criticality fragments (non-oxygen needing) could do this.

The DEW proponents staked much of their claim on “no high, molten temperatures.” This new evidence shows the DEW theory is dead.

Likewise, Ed Ward, M.D. has revealed that Thermite does not have significant explosive power, and couldn’t have been the explosive agent seen blasting massive chunks--some weighing hundreds of tons--of the towers hundreds of feet outwards on 9/11. Furthermore we demonstrate that the aim of Steven Jones, PhD—the thermite proponent-- has always been the same as the DEW proponents: to desperately hide the truth of the nuking of the WTC on 9/11.

Here Wood was right to point out how Jones “orangifies” the picture of the Firemen “peering into the hot core” [Page 18]. But, Wood does not accurately tell us why Jones apparently altered the color of the picture-- he needed to “get the blue out of the picture.” The blue is likely the blue light known to occur during nuclear reactions. Curiously, Jones has apparently removed this picture from this article now up at his site. There are now different molten steel pics up now. So it is clear that the regime has tried to prevent, remove, and deny all evidence of nuclear explosions, and China Syndrome at the WTC. But the high-temperature, radioactive cat is now out of the bag, and can never be put back in. The melted firemen’s boots is one of many proofs of this now-- as are all the cancers.

We have exposed and disproved both DEW and Thermite hangouts. Hopefully Rick Siegel’s September release new video, “WMD at the WTC” will proclaim that the WTC was nuked on 9/11 as his short video does (See the bottom). But for now, please inform everyone of these articles.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you keep claiming that you are a physicist?

12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does it matter if this person is a real physicist or not? No. It only matters what one says and does, not what one's job description might be. Can you refute any of his words? No.
A better question might be why do you refer to yourself as "sword_of_truth" when to this day you have never once said a single thing worth repeating.

1:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ed Bradley died in 2006, at the age of 65, from “chronic lymphocytic leukemia”. "

So did former 49'ers coach Bill Walsh, you dip shit. And we all know he was all over that pile of rubble.

So did thousands of others, crap face. Thousands who had never ser foot in NYC much less work on or visit ground zero.

You are one piece of work, douche bag.

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

radiation causes cancer.

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The point, shit-for-brains, which is so obviously lost on you, is that Bradley very probably and most likely did not develop lymphcytic leukemia from ground zero.

When the death rate approaches 90% for those who worked on the Pile adn all from radiation sickness/poisoning/radiological cancer, come back. Till then go fuck yourself.

10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You give it all away, scum sucking gestapo lover.

Even the Hiroshima survivors had a cancer rate far less than 90%. But this vermin would like the regime to have the opportunity to give cancer to 90% of us.

And please stop detailing your own personal habits.

But YOU will likely have the opportunity to test your theory. The next time your beloved mass-murdering regime, "collapses" a skyscraper, please go over to help out. We will pay you, and your kind, to do so, as you likley need an incentive to do good.

Then we can scientifically observe your "90%" factor.

If we can get rid of 90% of gestapo lovers like you, what an improvement.

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The interesting thing, regarding Bradley's cancer death is the following.

He, and others, who "visited" the site will likely never get counted in any statistics, regarding possible cancer from WTC exposure to radiation or toxic inhalation!

So we will never even know how many "visitors" might suffer the same fate. Hopefully they won't hide the statistics regarding the responders and the people living in the area.

But A.P. has already posted a site that said it took decades to see the cancers and other illnesses that resulted from the nuking of the Japanese cities.

At the rate things are going, who knows what will be in decades, if we get there. If we do, probably not much chance they will allow release of any studies that would be both damaging and revealing.

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is more proof of molten metal:

Keith Eaton, PhD structural engineer, is Chief Executive & Secretary of The Institution of Structural Engineers.

Dr. Eaton reporting on his 2002 visit to the WTC site: "They showed us many fascinating slides" he continued, "ranging from molten metal which was still red hot weeks after the event, to 4-inch thick steel plates sheared and bent in the disaster".

The above is unimpeachable proof that THEY HAVE PHOTOS OF MOLTEN METAL, but not for the public! Of course Dr. Eaton would not have been shown the most damaging videos and photos FEMA has!

FEMA was in control, their videographers/photographers likely took the photos that Dr. Eaton saw. He would not likely have been shown, or the public allowed to know, even more damaging videos or photos say of flowing molten metal.

But he saw slides that the public has never been allowed to see, per the above. Dr. Eaton saw slides of "molten metal" in 2002. He is a top structural engineer, and knows what he saw in that regard.

The DEWhuggers who proclaim "No MOLTEN METAL" because their DEW "theory" doesn't allow for it, need to drop the DEW, and acknowledge the actual WTC destruction mechanism and aftermath. Despite heavy fascist control, the unstoppable truth has seeped out:

Nuclear destruction occurred on 9/11, and the China Syndrome of nuclear reacting fragments and very high temperatures and molten metal went on for over SIX MONTHS afterwards.

Anonymous Physicist

7:57 AM  
Blogger Total said...

Again, Anonymous Hysteric obliviously undermines his own case here. How did steel-toed boots melt without cooking the feet inside them?

Answer: they didn't. The steel disintegrated from a low-heat process. Witnesses, unaware of any process beyond heat which can account for steel turning into liquid, assume heat as a causative factor, despite their feet still being intact. AH's writings exhibit the same cognitive deficiency.

Note also that AH asserts that the clouds over GZ were "smoking," without offering any proof that the fuming phenomena was in fact smoke as a result of fire. We have the DELTA UC-Davis reading which prove this fuming was in fact clouds of lighter-than-air metallic aerosols, *NOT* "smoke."

One should note however, that despite the poor case AH makes for mininukes above, we should not entirely rule out that some mininukes were used at WTC, and that there were some smaller pockets of heat a GZ for days -- but not months!

Despite the evidence that some mininukes a part of the wide array of exotic weaponry used to destroy the WTC, the repeated hysteric assertion that mininukes were the primary, much less only, causative factor in the widespread destruction of the WTC is in fact a limited hangout obscuring the existence of more exotic weaponry including but not limited beam weapons on orbital platforms.

Hope this helps.

3:19 PM  
Blogger Total said...

PS to AP -- slightly less strident to reply to you in these comments ---

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Total Corrupt Fool:

When faced with irrefutable proof, the Total Corrupt Fool just spouts the old lies. Here is the interviewees' words to Ed Bradley: "Steel-toed boots is one of the biggest things. Out still on the rubble, it’s still 1100 degrees, the guys’ boots just melt within a few hours." Other firemen in some videos have said they measured the temperature at 1500 degrees weeks and months later.

Again this is the surfce temp, so underground--as now many witnesses saw--there is the heat source, and the molten metal.

The Total Idiot/Shill ignores the witness' quote because it proves the case against DEW. She is clearly saying that steel-toed boots were found to be a necessity. Without them, regular boots melted within hours.

Now Total Idiot/Shill has said THERE WERE NO HIGH TEMPERATURES THERE, that any melting steel occurred because "Low-temp, STEEL SPECIFIC RESONATING DEW was beamed there, OR JUST HUNG OUT THERE SOMEHOW, IN SOME WAY, FOR MONTHS."

But Bradley's female eyewitness just said that without steel-toed boots, the regular rubber boots melt within hours. How can this be, as there was no high temperatures there, according to Total? THE RUBBER WOULD NOT BE AFFECTED by the evil STEEL-SPECIFC, LOW-TEMPERATURE DEW beaming, or lurking somehow, all over the place. Clearly the melted rubber boots proves the high surface temperatures weeks and months later, into at least March 2002, as an earlier article cited.

Stop your stupid lies, your "new Physics", your DEW has been exposed. Try the simple truth: Proven High temperatures and molten metal for months after 9/11 from nuclear detonation and subsequent China Syndrome.

Clearly, and conclusively, there were very high temperatures documented on the surface for months, which proves the vastly higher temperatures and molten metal undergound, as the comment--and quote from Dr. Eaton I posted just above--and conveniently ignored by Total--further proves.

NSA/CIA/Military Intel: Stop sending your lying shills, give it a rest. They can't compete with the truth, the China Syndrome is out of the bag. You can't put it back in. Your aims are obvious.

That the regime sends different shills with different backgrounds or one or two with differing personalities to desperately deny the nuking AND CHINA SYNDROME at the WTC implies the following.

As Total Shill elsewhere concedes the nuking of the WTC, but is desperately trying and lying to deny the China Syndrome, it indicates that the regime is more concerned now with the people of America and the rest of the world, finding out about the China Syndrome and all the radiation emitted for months, and now how the China Syndrome radiation is killing many responders and NYC residents.

Anonymus Physicist

5:09 PM  

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